Home»Sports»High Schools»New Prairie Pom and Dance Team Takes 1st Place at IHSDTA State Competition

New Prairie Pom and Dance Team Takes 1st Place at IHSDTA State Competition

new-prarie-danceThe New Prairie Pom and Dance Team competed in the novice pom division at the IHSDTA state competition on March 16, 2013 in New Castle, Indiana.The novice pom division is one of the largest categories at state. The new prairie pom and dance girls took 1st place in their division meaning 1st place out of the whole entire state of Indiana in their category.

"We worked so incredibly hard this year, most dance teams competing at state have dance studios with mirrors to see themselves and a big room to practice in, we have a small hallway that doesn't have much room to fit all of our girls, and we try to see our dancing reflections in windows, but that didn't stop us from practicing as hard as we could to make our school proud and believe in us by bringing home a first place trophy. Next year will be a challenge because we have to move up a division, but I believe in my team and I am so excited to go to state next year and give it our all again," Brianna Dutcher said.