Pictured above: Julia Jones
Hi, I’m Julia Jones! After graduating from New Prairie High School, I can’t wait to study Environmental Science for my undergraduate work in college. Not only will this help to satisfy some of my ever-present curiosity of the world, but also help me to know what methods are to be promoted or regulated for the sustainability of human progress as I later pursue a degree and career in Environmental Law. I can never express enough just how thankful I am for my friends, family, educators, and coaches. These people have made me the girl I am with the dreams I have. For this reason, I understand that I must always carry on and set a high bar of accomplishment for myself to help the Earth continue to be a place which fosters creativity, growth, innovation, and compassion.

My parents are Lisa and Craig Meyers. I have one younger brother, Jacob Meyers and a grandmother, Loretta Stricklett, of whom I’m very close to. After graduation I plan to attend the University of Wisconsin to major in Communication Sciences and Disorders in order to become a Speech Pathologist. I was involved in the Robotics team for four years ending as the team Captain, Basketball for three with the last two as the team captain, Soccer for four with the last three as team captain and NHS for two with the last being Vice President.

My name is Allison Hein NPHS Class of 2020’s co-salutatorian. During my time at NPHS, I have been active in the PLTW Biomedical Science program and have taken several of the AP and Honors classes offered. In my spare time, I enjoy participating in the NPHS HOSA chapter, where I had success at both the state and international level competing in health science events. I am a member of both the National Honor Society and International Honor Society. After graduation, my plans are to attend either Purdue University or the University of Michigan to major in biology on the premedical track. I am the daughter of Rick and Sherri Hein and the sister of Todd Hein, Tim Hein, and Andrea Davis.