Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»Michigan City Parks Department Trivia Challenge to be Held at Washington Park Zoo on October 23

Michigan City Parks Department Trivia Challenge to be Held at Washington Park Zoo on October 23

Michigan-City-Trivia-ChallengeStart planning now! Gather up your friends (maximum of 10) and form a team. Each team is given a questionnaire of 5 questions in each round (10 rounds total). As a team, you decide on an answer, write it on your questionnaire and turn it in for scoring. The team with the highest score will win $10 per person on that team. 2nd place wins $5 per person, 3rd place wins $2 per person. The theme will be, “The Like, Totally 80’s.” We hope you’ll make this a fun, successful event to help raise money for the Washington Park Zoo. Food & beverages will be available for purchase.

You MUST register no later than Mon, Oct 20th. This event is open to the public & you do NOT need to be a member to participate.

DON’T HAVE A TEAM? That’s okay, call us and we’ll place you on a list and put a team together for you!