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Michigan City MCJROTC Honors Our Nation on its 240th Birthday

MCHS-MCJROTC-4th-of-July-2016The Michigan City High School (MCHS) Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (MCJROTC) honored the United States on its 240th birthday by marching in three parades over the 4th of July weekend. Cadets provided a Color Guard and marching platoon for the Michigan City Kiddie Parade on July 1st and the LaPorte Independence Day Parade on July 4th. For the Michigan City Summer Festival parade on July 2nd, cadets carried an oversized flag through the parade route. The 60 by 30 foot flag was purchased through donations from private businesses in the area. With almost perfect weather, all parades were well attended by thousands of very appreciative spectators.

“Despite the many problems we have in our Nation, the 4th of July is a special day for all of us to realize that our country is the greatest country in the history of mankind,” said Senior Marine Instructor Major Tom McGrath. “Our cadets march proudly as we display the American and Marine Colors as a symbol of the sacrifices that so many have made to keep the United States the envy of the entire world.”

Master Sergeant Jeff Benak, the Marine Instructor, noted the dedication of the cadets. “It speaks volumes for our cadets to give up their 4th of July weekend to honor our country. It was gratifying for the cadets to hear the applause and positive remarks from the spectators for all of the good work they have done throughout the year,” he said.

The cadets will continue to drill over the summer to prepare for the military drill competition season starting in the fall. They will also be supporting Michigan City Area Schools and the community with a number of community service projects. These include the, the Grand Prix Boat races at Washington Park Beach August 4-7, the Drum Corps International competition at Ames Field August 8-9, and the preparation for and execution of the Back- to- School Rally at Elston August 9-11.