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Michigan City High School Wolves Wire, October 2016

MC Wolves logoLast month I commented on our students being engaged, excited and what a great start the students experienced. With August and September behind us, student excitement is off the chart. Pride in being a Wolf is strong. Homecoming is upon us, and the spirit is in the Pack! Our students are doing a great job representing MCHS.

This month kicks off the fall testing season. Starting the first full week of October, we will administer the ACCUPLACER exam to qualifying juniors. All sophomores and selected juniors will take the PSAT and all freshman will take the PSAT9. December we will administer the end of Course Assessments for both English Language Arts and Algebra I to those juniors and seniors who qualify. Please contact your student’s guidance counselor if you have any questions regarding testing.

As many of you are aware, Michigan City High School has been a leader in our state for the last four years for students earning college dual credits. Over seventy percent of our graduates earned college credits. This semester, 225 students are enrolled in dual credit courses! Through our partnerships with Purdue University Northwest and Ivy Tech, our students are saving themselves and their families thousands of dollars in tuition and decreasing the amount of classes they must take on a college campus. We are currently working with both partner schools to ensure that dual credit opportunities are available to our students for this year and beyond. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning dual credits.

As always, we are here to ensure your students graduate college and career ready. Please continue to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, You Tube, and like us on Facebook to remain informed of all the great things taking place at Michigan City High School.

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