We are now half-way into the 4th quarter of the 2018-19 school year and the students and staff are looking forward to AP testing and Summer vacation. As we wrap-up the school year we have some final testing to do. Advanced Placement testing will take place May 6-17th, and Biology ILEARN will take place May 20-24th. More than ever, we need for your students to be here and on time every day. Attendance plays a major factor in your students’ academic and social successes at MCHS and beyond. Teachers are delivering rigorous course content in every class preparing them for their summative assessments and final exams. These assessments and grades have significant impact on their semester grades and opportunities post-graduation.
Our Wolf Pack Roundup, held on March 20th was a great success. Thank you to all of our parents, students and visitors who came to the high school and enjoyed the evening with the MCHS staff. Also, we wrapped up ISTEP testing the last week of April. The parent portal for ISTEP testing will open up on May 10th.
Graduation is on June 9th at 12:00pm. Senior Class letters were mailed home over Spring Break. Timelines and important dates are listed in the letter. Parents should contact your student’s counselor with any questions regarding graduation.
I would like to wish everyone a wonderful final four weeks of school, and as always, follow us on Twitter, Instagram and like us on Facebook.
One City! One Pack! Go Wolves!