While most students were relaxing over the Thanksgiving break, the cadets of the Michigan City High School (MCHS) Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (MCJROTC) were supporting MCHS and our community. Cadets worked the Toys for Tots campaign at the Lighthouse Mall on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Toys for Tots was started by a Marine Corps Reservist in Los Angles to help brighten Christmas for underprivileged children. His fellow Marines pitched in to assist in this worthy cause. The program was so successful that Marine Reserve units throughout the country started doing it. It has now become a Marine pet project. The local chapter of the Marine Corps League in Michigan City has taken on that responsibility for LaPorte County. “Our cadets are always willing to help with worthy causes in our community, and this one certainly qualifies as something that affects so many families,” said Senior Marine Instructor Major Tom McGrath.
The following night, the cadets provided the Color Guard for the first home basketball game. “Our cadets have been very busy supporting our community this year,” said Marine Instructor Master Sergeant Jeff Benak. Since July 1st, we have done over 2,400 hours of community service. I think that says volumes of how our cadets feel about Michigan City and LaPorte County.”
Cadets will be very busy prior to the Christmas break. They will be setting up for the One City One Sound concert on December 1st, working the concert, and then cleaning up after the concert. This concert features the entire school district’s musical talents, from the elementary schools to the high school. The cadets will also provide the Color Guards for the three home basketball games in December. The MCHS Drill Team will compete at the University of Illinois at Chicago in a military skills meet on December 3rd. The drill team will continue to practice over the Christmas break, preparing for their next competition on January 14 in Aurora, IL. Their ultimate goal is to make it to the first National MCJROTC Drill Meet, currently scheduled in Dallas, Texas, on April 22nd. If the cadet Wolves qualify, the trip would be conducted at no cost to the school district.