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Michigan City High School Role Model Readers Travel to Elementary Schools for “Read-a-Thon” Tour

Michigan-City-High-School-Role-Model-Readers-Travel-to-Elementary-Schools-for-Read-a-Thon-Tour-2017Michigan City High School students in Theater and Advanced Theater classes took their act on the road Wednesday, November 15, as they traveled to three local elementary schools for a "Read-a-Thon" tour. The 30 high schoolers (often dressed in character and with a prop or two) read a wide variety of books to children at Marsh, Springfield, and Joy.

MCHS Speech and Theater teacher Kelly Martin-Fargo said the tour was a win-win for both her students and the participating elementary buildings. "Reading to children promotes literacy skills, and it allows our high school students to feel appreciated and looked to as role models," she said. She hopes to incorporate a Read-a-Thon tour for her Theater classes each semester.