Join us in welcoming the Homecoming Queen candidates for Michigan City High School! Read a bit about each of these ladies below:
Name: Ella Bogart
Club: Alpha Yearbook
Escorted by: Edward French
Daughter of: Steve & Ann Bogart
All activities involved in at MCHS: Alpha Yearbook, Steering Committee, Student Council, German Club, Athletic Training, Dive Team.
College you hope to attend: Indiana University Bloomington
Major: Health Science with a focus on Oncology
Favorite memory at MCHS: When my yearbook class went to a Jostens workshop and won $300 and my teacher, Mrs. Poulin, did a cartwheel.
Advice for underclassmen: Listen to your mom, she is always right in the end.
Name: Erin Buskirk
Club: Art Club
Escorted by: Joe Gondeck
Daughter of: William & Elizabeth Buskirk
All activities involved in at MCHS: Art Club, HUSA, French Club, Foreign Language Honor Society, Softball Team.
College you hope to attend: Undecided
Major: Radiology
Favorite memory at MCHS: Meeting two of my best friends, Jordin Agemy and Haley Buchanan.
Advice for underclassmen: Be yourself. Don’t let anyone change who you are, because in the end they don’t matter.
Name: Madison Emerick
Club: City Singers
Escorted by: Braxton Hervey
Daughter of: Kelly & Kimberly Emerick
All activities involved in at MCHS: City Singers, Steering Committee, National Honor Society, Stage Crew.
College you hope to attend: Thinking about Indiana University
Major: Nursing
Favorite memory at MCHS: Every one of my chorus competitions.
Advice for underclassmen: When you work hard on what you love, amazing things will happen to you, so never give up!
Name: Sarah Smith
Club: Cityzen Newspaper
Escorted by: Rhiggs Thomas
Daughter of: Tim & Nancy Smith
All activities involved in at MCHS: Cityzen Newspaper, Student Council, National Honor Society, Steering Committee, German Club, Foreign Language Honor Society, Soccer Team, Swim Team.
College you hope to attend: Indiana University Bloomington
Major: International Relations
Favorite memory at MCHS: All the soccer and swimming bus rides and going to Germany with the GAPP program.
Advice for underclassmen: Be more concerned with your character than your reputation because your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
Name: Emma Zaknoun
Club: French Club
Escorted by: Tyler Johnston
Daughter of: John Zaknoun & Rana Hannoun
All activities involved in at MCHS: French Club, Steering Committee, Student Council, National Honor Society, Science Club, Foreign Language Honor Society, Volleyball Team.
College you hope to attend: Notre Dame University
Major: Psychiatry
Favorite memory at MCHS: Going to Chicago for a French Club field trip and spending time with my friends.
Advice for underclassmen: Always do your best in school, but never forget to have fun and make as many memories as you can.
Name: Allison Thomas
Club: German Club
Escorted by: Logan Goolsby
Daughter of: Steve & Tina Thomas
All activities involved in at MCHS: German Club, National Honor Society, Steering Committee, Foreign Language Honor Society, Science Club, Math Club, Drama Club, Student Council, Swim Team, Soccer Team.
College you hope to attend: Purdue University
Major: Forensic Pathology
Favorite memory at MCHS: Soccer and swim season with the people I grew up with and the people most important to me, and going to Germany with my fellow classmates and Herr Ruth.
Advice for underclassmen: Change isn’t necessarily a bad thing, so expect it and embrace it because it can make all the difference in your life.
Name: Eryn Sitar
Club: Japanese Club
Escorted by: Cole Seifert
Daughter of: Todd & Jennifer Sitar
All activities involved in at MCHS: Japanese Club, Makerspace, Steering Committee, National Honor Society, Foreign Language Honor Society, Quiz Bowl, Soccer Team.
College you hope to attend: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite memory at MCHS: Competing at the JOI (Joy) state competitions for Japanese and eating tons of Japanese food with the team afterwards.
Advice for underclassmen: Ask questions, pay attention to due dates, and work hard but always find time to relax.
Name: Allyson Richards
Club: Mathletes
Escorted by: Jonathan Zerbes
Daughter of: Brian Richards & Debby Blackie
All activities involved in at MCHS: Mathletes, Alpha Yearbook, National Honor Society, Foreign Language Honor Society, German Club, Steering Committee, Volleyball Team, Swim Team.
College you hope to attend: Lake Forest College
Major: Biology
Favorite memory at MCHS: Beating Valpo at our own home tournament and receiving first place.
Advice for underclassmen: Go outside your boundaries and push yourself to succeed every year.
Name: Karmen Halfacre
Club: National Honor Society
Escorted by: Nathan Spangler
Daughter of: Kris and Jerry Halfacre
All activities involved in at MCHS: National Honor Society, Mathletes, Steering Committee, Student Council, Spanish Club, Volleyball Team, Unified Track Team.
College you hope to attend: Notre Dame University
Major: Biology
Favorite memory at MCHS: Being a part of the volleyball program and winning the unified track sectional last year with my team.
Advice for underclassmen: Don’t waste time worrying about what others think of you. Your opinion of yourself is what matters the most.
Name: Alysa Willis
Club: Poetry Club
Escorted by: James Steinhagen
Daughter of: Ed & Tammy Grater
All activities involved in at MCHS: Poetry Club, Pep Band, Marching Band, JROTC.
College you hope to attend: Enlisting in the Navy
Major: Master-at-Arms
Favorite memory at MCHS: Beating Portage’s armed exhibition team.
Advice for underclassmen: Do your homework, and keep up with your classes, but keep up with your friends as well.
Name: Nikki Pomeroy
Club: Science Club
Escorted by: Brandon Fetters
Daughter of: Robert & Donna Pomeroy
All activities involved in at MCHS: Science Club, National Honor Society, Mathletes, Steering Committee, Student Council, Spanish Club, Swim Team.
College you hope to attend: Valparaiso University
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite memory at MCHS: When the girls’ swim team obnoxiously sang songs in the locker after practice.
Advice for underclassmen: If you apply yourself and work then you can accomplish almost anything.
Name: Madison Farless
Club: Spanish Club
Escorted by: Nick Stefanko
Daughter of: Richard & Ann Farless
All activities involved in at MCHS: Spanish Club, Steering Committee, Student Council, National Honor Society, HOSA, Unified Track Team.
College you hope to attend: Indiana University Bloomington
Major: Nursing
Favorite memory at MCHS: Being a part of the Den during football and basketball games and experiencing every other social event with my best friends.
Advice for underclassmen: The stress, loss of friends, and the rollercoaster emotions are normal throughout high school. You will be okay and remember pressure makes diamonds.
Name: Kate Kovalcik
Club: Steering Committee
Escorted by: Conner Conklin
Daughter of: Jim & Judy Kovalcik
All activities involved in at MCHS: Steering Committee, Student Council, National Honor Society, Foreign Language Honor Society, Alpha Yearbook, German Club, Mathletes, Unified Track Team.
College you hope to attend: Purdue University
Major: Undecided
Favorite memory at MCHS: Joining the Unified Track team and going to state.
Advice for underclassmen: Get involved! Joining sports and clubs will make your high school experience one to remember.
Name: Katie Bildhauser
Club: Student Council
Escorted by: Ali Hakim
Daughter of: Don & Cathy Bildhauser
All activities involved in at MCHS: Student Council, Alpha Yearbook, Cityzen Newspaper, German Club, National Honor Society, National Foreign Language Honor Society, Tennis Team.
College you hope to attend: Undecided
Major: Nursing
Favorite memory at MCHS: Getting second place in the Plymouth Invite playing number one doubles with my sister.
Advice for underclassmen: Work hard, stay involved, and have fun.
Name: Kaitlyn Steinhiser
Club: Thespian Society
Escorted by: Christian Toney
Daughter of: Patrick & Kristi Steinhiser
All activities involved in at MCHS: Thespian Society, Varsity Quiz Bowl, Spell Bowl, Drama Club, Student Council, Cityzen Newspaper, National Honor Society, Steering Committee.
College you hope to attend: University of Chicago
Major: Political Science and Journalism
Favorite memory at MCHS: Seeing my plans for the class of 2017 come into fruition time and time again.
Advice for underclassmen: Adopt an “I’ll try anything once,” attitude.
Name: Hannah Moore
Club: Wolfpack Marching Band
Escorted by: Kory Blacksten
Daughter of: Brian & Deborah Moore
All activities involved in at MCHS: Wolfpack Marching Band, City Singers, Steering Committee, Drama Club, Wolvettes.
College you hope to attend: Ball State University
Major: Music and Theater
Favorite memory at MCHS: Meeting my best friends while doing the activities I love.
Advice for underclassmen: Don’t sweat the small stuff and enjoy life with no regrets.
Name: Emily Glowacki
Club: Wolvettes
Escorted by: Will Rubino
Daughter of: Michael & Rebecca Greenlaw
All activities involved in at MCHS: Wolvettes, Art Club, Science Club, LGBTA Club, French Club, Color Guard, National Honor Society, Steering Committee, National Foreign Language Honor Society.
College you hope to attend: Undecided
Major: Pediatrics
Favorite memory at MCHS: My five seasons of color guard and celebrating thirteen years of friendship with Allie Mellen.
Advice for underclassmen: Soak in every moment of these four years and make lots of memories along the way.