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Michigan City High School Announces 2016 Homecoming Queen Candidates

Michigan City High School Announces 2016 Homecoming Queen Candidates

Join us in welcoming the Homecoming Queen candidates for Michigan City High School! Read a bit about each of these ladies below:

Name: Ella Bogart
Club: Alpha Yearbook
Escorted by: Edward French
Daughter of: Steve & Ann Bogart
All activities involved in at MCHS: Alpha Yearbook, Steering Committee, Student Council, German Club, Athletic Training, Dive Team.
College you hope to attend: Indiana University Bloomington
Major: Health Science with a focus on Oncology
Favorite memory at MCHS: When my yearbook class went to a Jostens workshop and won $300 and my teacher, Mrs. Poulin, did a cartwheel.
Advice for underclassmen: Listen to your mom, she is always right in the end.

Name: Erin Buskirk
Club: Art Club
Escorted by: Joe Gondeck
Daughter of: William & Elizabeth Buskirk
All activities involved in at MCHS: Art Club, HUSA, French Club, Foreign Language Honor Society, Softball Team.
College you hope to attend: Undecided
Major: Radiology
Favorite memory at MCHS: Meeting two of my best friends, Jordin Agemy and Haley Buchanan.
Advice for underclassmen: Be yourself. Don’t let anyone change who you are, because in the end they don’t matter.

Name: Madison Emerick
Club: City Singers
Escorted by: Braxton Hervey
Daughter of: Kelly & Kimberly Emerick
All activities involved in at MCHS: City Singers, Steering Committee, National Honor Society, Stage Crew.
College you hope to attend: Thinking about Indiana University
Major: Nursing
Favorite memory at MCHS: Every one of my chorus competitions.
Advice for underclassmen: When you work hard on what you love, amazing things will happen to you, so never give up!

Name: Sarah Smith
Club: Cityzen Newspaper
Escorted by: Rhiggs Thomas
Daughter of: Tim & Nancy Smith
All activities involved in at MCHS: Cityzen Newspaper, Student Council, National Honor Society, Steering Committee, German Club, Foreign Language Honor Society, Soccer Team, Swim Team.
College you hope to attend: Indiana University Bloomington
Major: International Relations
Favorite memory at MCHS: All the soccer and swimming bus rides and going to Germany with the GAPP program.
Advice for underclassmen: Be more concerned with your character than your reputation because your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are.

Name: Emma Zaknoun
Club: French Club
Escorted by: Tyler Johnston
Daughter of: John Zaknoun & Rana Hannoun
All activities involved in at MCHS: French Club, Steering Committee, Student Council, National Honor Society, Science Club, Foreign Language Honor Society, Volleyball Team.
College you hope to attend: Notre Dame University
Major: Psychiatry
Favorite memory at MCHS: Going to Chicago for a French Club field trip and spending time with my friends.
Advice for underclassmen: Always do your best in school, but never forget to have fun and make as many memories as you can.

Name: Allison Thomas
Club: German Club
Escorted by: Logan Goolsby
Daughter of: Steve & Tina Thomas
All activities involved in at MCHS: German Club, National Honor Society, Steering Committee, Foreign Language Honor Society, Science Club, Math Club, Drama Club, Student Council, Swim Team, Soccer Team.
College you hope to attend: Purdue University
Major: Forensic Pathology
Favorite memory at MCHS: Soccer and swim season with the people I grew up with and the people most important to me, and going to Germany with my fellow classmates and Herr Ruth.
Advice for underclassmen: Change isn’t necessarily a bad thing, so expect it and embrace it because it can make all the difference in your life.

Name: Eryn Sitar
Club: Japanese Club
Escorted by: Cole Seifert
Daughter of: Todd & Jennifer Sitar
All activities involved in at MCHS: Japanese Club, Makerspace, Steering Committee, National Honor Society, Foreign Language Honor Society, Quiz Bowl, Soccer Team.
College you hope to attend: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite memory at MCHS: Competing at the JOI (Joy) state competitions for Japanese and eating tons of Japanese food with the team afterwards.
Advice for underclassmen: Ask questions, pay attention to due dates, and work hard but always find time to relax.

Name: Allyson Richards
Club: Mathletes
Escorted by: Jonathan Zerbes
Daughter of: Brian Richards & Debby Blackie
All activities involved in at MCHS: Mathletes, Alpha Yearbook, National Honor Society, Foreign Language Honor Society, German Club, Steering Committee, Volleyball Team, Swim Team.
College you hope to attend: Lake Forest College
Major: Biology
Favorite memory at MCHS: Beating Valpo at our own home tournament and receiving first place.
Advice for underclassmen: Go outside your boundaries and push yourself to succeed every year.

Name: Karmen Halfacre
Club: National Honor Society
Escorted by: Nathan Spangler
Daughter of: Kris and Jerry Halfacre
All activities involved in at MCHS: National Honor Society, Mathletes, Steering Committee, Student Council, Spanish Club, Volleyball Team, Unified Track Team.
College you hope to attend: Notre Dame University
Major: Biology
Favorite memory at MCHS: Being a part of the volleyball program and winning the unified track sectional last year with my team.
Advice for underclassmen: Don’t waste time worrying about what others think of you. Your opinion of yourself is what matters the most.

Name: Alysa Willis
Club: Poetry Club
Escorted by: James Steinhagen
Daughter of: Ed & Tammy Grater
All activities involved in at MCHS: Poetry Club, Pep Band, Marching Band, JROTC.
College you hope to attend: Enlisting in the Navy
Major: Master-at-Arms
Favorite memory at MCHS: Beating Portage’s armed exhibition team.
Advice for underclassmen: Do your homework, and keep up with your classes, but keep up with your friends as well.

Name: Nikki Pomeroy
Club: Science Club
Escorted by: Brandon Fetters
Daughter of: Robert & Donna Pomeroy
All activities involved in at MCHS: Science Club, National Honor Society, Mathletes, Steering Committee, Student Council, Spanish Club, Swim Team.
College you hope to attend: Valparaiso University
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite memory at MCHS: When the girls’ swim team obnoxiously sang songs in the locker after practice.
Advice for underclassmen: If you apply yourself and work then you can accomplish almost anything.

Name: Madison Farless
Club: Spanish Club
Escorted by: Nick Stefanko
Daughter of: Richard & Ann Farless
All activities involved in at MCHS: Spanish Club, Steering Committee, Student Council, National Honor Society, HOSA, Unified Track Team.
College you hope to attend: Indiana University Bloomington
Major: Nursing
Favorite memory at MCHS: Being a part of the Den during football and basketball games and experiencing every other social event with my best friends.
Advice for underclassmen: The stress, loss of friends, and the rollercoaster emotions are normal throughout high school. You will be okay and remember pressure makes diamonds.

Name: Kate Kovalcik
Club: Steering Committee
Escorted by: Conner Conklin
Daughter of: Jim & Judy Kovalcik
All activities involved in at MCHS: Steering Committee, Student Council, National Honor Society, Foreign Language Honor Society, Alpha Yearbook, German Club, Mathletes, Unified Track Team.
College you hope to attend: Purdue University
Major: Undecided
Favorite memory at MCHS: Joining the Unified Track team and going to state.
Advice for underclassmen: Get involved! Joining sports and clubs will make your high school experience one to remember.

Name: Katie Bildhauser
Club: Student Council
Escorted by: Ali Hakim
Daughter of: Don & Cathy Bildhauser
All activities involved in at MCHS: Student Council, Alpha Yearbook, Cityzen Newspaper, German Club, National Honor Society, National Foreign Language Honor Society, Tennis Team.
College you hope to attend: Undecided
Major: Nursing
Favorite memory at MCHS: Getting second place in the Plymouth Invite playing number one doubles with my sister.
Advice for underclassmen: Work hard, stay involved, and have fun.

Name: Kaitlyn Steinhiser
Club: Thespian Society
Escorted by: Christian Toney
Daughter of: Patrick & Kristi Steinhiser
All activities involved in at MCHS: Thespian Society, Varsity Quiz Bowl, Spell Bowl, Drama Club, Student Council, Cityzen Newspaper, National Honor Society, Steering Committee.
College you hope to attend: University of Chicago
Major: Political Science and Journalism
Favorite memory at MCHS: Seeing my plans for the class of 2017 come into fruition time and time again.
Advice for underclassmen: Adopt an “I’ll try anything once,” attitude.

Name: Hannah Moore
Club: Wolfpack Marching Band
Escorted by: Kory Blacksten
Daughter of: Brian & Deborah Moore
All activities involved in at MCHS: Wolfpack Marching Band, City Singers, Steering Committee, Drama Club, Wolvettes.
College you hope to attend: Ball State University
Major: Music and Theater
Favorite memory at MCHS: Meeting my best friends while doing the activities I love.
Advice for underclassmen: Don’t sweat the small stuff and enjoy life with no regrets.

Name: Emily Glowacki
Club: Wolvettes
Escorted by: Will Rubino
Daughter of: Michael & Rebecca Greenlaw
All activities involved in at MCHS: Wolvettes, Art Club, Science Club, LGBTA Club, French Club, Color Guard, National Honor Society, Steering Committee, National Foreign Language Honor Society.
College you hope to attend: Undecided
Major: Pediatrics
Favorite memory at MCHS: My five seasons of color guard and celebrating thirteen years of friendship with Allie Mellen.
Advice for underclassmen: Soak in every moment of these four years and make lots of memories along the way.