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Michigan City Celebrates 60th Annual Summer Festival Parade

Thousands of Michigan City and region residents packed the streets on Saturday, June 27th to watch and celebrate the 60th Annual Summer Festival Parade in downtown Michigan City. Kids and families set up lawn chairs or spread blankets out on sidewalks and peered down Franklin Street in eager anticipation of the floats, bands, horses, police cars and firetrucks that slowly made their way from 10th Street all the down to Ames Field.


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“It was a great parade,” said Joe Doyle, Chairman of the Board of Michigan City’s Summer Fest. “We caught a break in the weather today and we couldn’t have asked for better conditions for the 140 floats and participants, and the thousands of people who came out to celebrate with us. It was a job well done by all volunteers too. Another year and another great job. We couldn’t do it without them and the great people of Michigan City who really care about their community.”

There to enjoy the parade this year was Kathy Waldron and her 10-year-old son Brandon who was enjoying his first Summer Fest. Last December, Brandon had two brain tumors removed that had magnified sound and light to the point where the stimulus was too overwhelming. Now, months after the successful surgery, Brandon is feeling much better and was so happy to be able to come and see the parade finally.

“We’re all so excited to be able to come this year, especially Brandon,” Waldron said. “Organizations and individuals within the community really came together last year and made it possible for Brandon to get the help he needed. They made this happen and we couldn’t be happier to be here today.”

Participating in her first parade was Michigan City’s Missy Burklow who marched with her Jazzercise group. Missy’s God-child, Justyne also walked in the parade with Platinum Gymnastics, also from Michigan City.

“This is my 4th year marching in the parade,” said an excited Justyne. “I love everything about it! My favorite things are seeing the horses, the motorcycles, and the really cool cars.”