With the heavy snowfall that has hit the area this weekend, Mayor Ron Meer has declared the following:
Sec. 94-254-Parking restrictions during a snow removal condition.
Snow removal conditions have been declared by the Mayor, the following traffic regulations shall be in effect: Effective at 6:00 p.m., on Sunday, February 1, 2015.
(1) No vehicle shall be parked on a designated “snow route.”
(2) On even numbered days, no parking shall be permitted on that side of the street with even numbered addresses from 6:00 a.m. to midnight.
(3) On odd numbered days, no parking shall be permitted on that side of the street with odd numbered addresses from 6:00 a.m. to midnight.
** Parking Restrictions will be in effect until further notice **
Mayor Meer would like to thank the citizens for their cooperation. The Mayor would also like to remind citizens to check on and help their neighbors when possible, especially the elderly.