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Math Professional Speaks To Students About Careers in Mathematics

disc-unlimDiscoveries Unlimited will launch their first of three Speaker’s Bureau events at Valparaiso University on October 18th, 2012 with Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Dr. Lara Pudwell, who will discuss various careers in mathematics.

Dr. Pudwell is extremely talented in her field and will be a great help educating potential new math mentors and mentees about the endless career possibilities within mathematics,” said Jeni Elkins, CEO of Discoveries Unlimited.

In addition to Dr. Pudwell’s speech, there will be an information table set up to describe how to become a mentor or a mentee at Discoveries Unlimited; an organization that gives students an opportunity to learn alongside a mentor in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (S.T.E.M.)

This is a free event and open to the public. For more information, please call Jeni Elkins at (219) 765-3067.

About Dr. Pudwell
Dr. Lara Pudwell earned her Ph.D in mathematics from Rutgers University in 2008. Since August 2008 she has been an Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Valparaiso University. Outside the classroom, Dr. Pudwell regularly travels to national and international research conferences, and has directed the Valparaiso Experience in Research by Undergraduate Mathematicians program since 2010.

About Discoveries Unlimited
Discoveries Unlimited is a non-profit organization in Northwest Indiana that provides young teenagers with an opportunity to further their interests in science, technology, engineering, or math (S.T.E.M.) Through building a relationship with their mentor, students learn about the educational requirements as well as career opportunities within their interests.

For more information about applying to become a mentor or a mentee please visit the Discoveries Unlimited website at: www.discoveriesunlimited.org