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Marquette Catholic High School Students Plan to Help Give Kids the World

marquette-kids-worldTwenty Marquette Catholic High School students, five parents and one Notre Dame Grade School student left Sunday for Kissimmee, Florida to help Give Kids the World.

Service Learning is a central component of Marquette Catholic High School’s curriculum. Each year students are expected to earn a minimum of twenty-five hours of community service and each year, each student exceeds this expectation.

Marquette senior, Brendan Robson and his parents, Doug and Anne, began planning this trip two years ago. Brendan, and his brother Kevin, are Give Kids The World alumni and felt the time to give back was now. Brendan had no problem recruiting his classmates to join him on this trip as they all remember praying for Brendan when he went through his bone marrow transplant when he was in kindergarten.

The students and their chaperones will be spending one week at GKTW working different events and performing various duties on the property. In order to manage the cost of the trip, the students participated in multiple fundraisers and received two anonymous donations.

Give Kids The World is a non-profit organization that exists only to fulfill the wishes of all children with life-threatening illnesses and their families from around the world to experience a memorable, joyful, cost-free visit to the Central Florida attractions, and to enjoy the magic of Give Kids The World Village for as long as there is a need.

Over 115,000 children have had their dream come true at Give Kids The World. No child in need has ever been turned away – and no child ever will. Give Kids The World is a place where families find joy, laughter, serenity, and a lifetime of memories. Through the tireless support of volunteers, employees and generous partners, GKTW dedicate each and every day to these special families.

Principal Jim White states, “I am very thankful that Brendan and his family offered to share this opportunity with us. Working at Give Kids The World is allowing our students to see another side of life – a very real side. I know they will come back with a completely different perspective on life. And that is part of what a Marquette education is all about – bringing the world into our school and taking our students out into the world, experiencing it and understanding that our lives are made up of more than just us. An opportunity such as this teaches our children how to live their faith in their lives.”