Home»Entertainment»Arts»Lubeznik Center for the Arts Summer 2013 Classes, Workshops, and Camps

Lubeznik Center for the Arts Summer 2013 Classes, Workshops, and Camps

Art-CampCourse Descriptions

Art & Nature
Adults & Teens
Instructors: Jon Hook & Andrea Peterson
6 sessions: Mondays, 6:00–8:00 pm
June 17 – July 22, 2013
$85, $76.50 for members
Supply fee: $25, no supply discount
Local artists Jon and Andrea will lead students through the summer season on an artistic journey using materials from nature to create unique art objects. The class includes an environmental education component. Students will create junkyard whirlygigs, mosaic stepping stones, and butterfly houses.

Art Starters
Ages 5 & 6
Instructor: Esther Guncheon
6 sessions: Mondays, 1:00-2:00 pm
June 24 – July 29, 2013
$60, $54 for members
Pre-schoolers will enjoy experimenting with different materials and projects each week. This class focuses on fun and freedom of experimentation. Dress for mess. All lessons are new this summer.

Drawing for Teens
Ages 12-17, Limit 10
Instructor: Valerie Taglieri
6 sessions: Thursdays, 4:30-6:00 pm
June 27 – August 1, 2013
$120, $108 for members
This course is for teens who love to draw. Techniques in drawing and watercolor will be introduced that are specifically designed to engage a teen audience. See an improvement in skill set in 6 weeks. All supplies included.

Drawing for Young People
Ages 8-11, Limit 10
Instructor: Valerie Taglieri
6 sessions: Saturdays, 9:30-11:00 am
June 29 – August 3, 2013
$120, $108 for members
This course is for young people who love to draw. Students will learn ways of understanding shape, line and shading that will help them to draw what they see! Participants will experiment with different art materials and draw some of their favorite objects. See an improvement in skill set in 6 weeks. All supplies included.

Fabric Collage
Ages 16 and up
Instructor: Linda Sorkin Eisenberg
2 sessions: Saturdays, 12:30–2:30 pm
July 13 & 20, 2013
$60, $54 for members $15 supply fee, no supply discount
Must provide own iron and towel.
In this introductory class, students will learn the art of fusible quilting. The class will start with free form techniques and materials, a step-by-step technique applying each individual’s creativity. Students will learn: how to use fusible interfacing, rotary cutting, image transfer methods, how to choose colors, fabrics and threads to create dimension, easy borders, bindings, and how to finish off a quilt.

Monotype and Encaustic
Ages 14 and up
Instructor: Deborah Landry
4 sessions: Thursdays, 6:30–8:30 pm
August 1 – 22, 2013
$75, $67.50 for members $50 supply fee, no supply discount
Monotype is a form of printmaking that can be a work of art on its own or can be further worked into with encaustic, a hot wax process. Students will explore different print methods using soy based inks and then learn to apply and experiment with encaustic methods. Participants will be introduced to a variety of papers, tools, ideas and processes. Additive and subtractive processes, trace monotype and stenciling will be demonstrated to learn how to control line, placement, color and saturation. Students may bring their favorite bits of paper, small trinkets and ideas!

Mosaic Tile Stepping Stone
Adults & Teens
Instructor: Linda Sorkin Eisenberg
2 sessions: Saturday & Sunday,
August 10 - 11, 2013, 12:00-3:00 pm
$55, $49.50 for members $8 supply fee, no supply discount
Participants create stepping stones for a garden using colored mosaic tiles, cement, and grout. Instructor will assist students in designing a stepping stone that can be left out all year.

Photo-Walk Workshop
Ages 16 and up
Instructor: George Kassal
3 sessions: Thursdays, 6:00-8:00 pm
July 18 - August 1, 2013
$45, $40.50 for members
Must provide own camera.
This class provides an overview of outdoor digital camera techniques suitable for new and experienced photographers. The first session meets inside to review basics and prepare. In session 2, students will go on location to photograph. Session 3 returns inside to review and critique images. Students must be physically capable of walking through a variety of outdoor environments.

Sandcastle Writers Workshop
Instructor: Jo Pilecki
8 sessions: Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm,
June 19 - August 7, 2013
$120, $108 for members
Must provide own paper and pen.
This is a writing workshop for beginning and experienced writers of fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry. Using the Amherst Writers and Artists method, this workshop focuses on in-class writing, sharing (if the writer chooses), and positive feedback in a supportive environment. Instructor’s writing prompts are optional and designed to help writers with craft and creativity. Instructor is an AWA certified affiliate.

BookbindingOne Day Workshops

Beginner Bonsai
Adults & Teens
Instructors: Lu Hook & Andrea Peterson
Wednesday, July 10, 6:00-8:30 pm
$25, $22.50 for members $20 supply fee, no supply discount
The classic bonsai (pronounced bone sigh) is a tree or shrub grown in a shallow container and trained or pruned to create an artistic effect convincing the viewer that it is a mature or ancient tree. Come learn the basics of selecting the plants, pruning, repotting and training. Bonsai combines the aesthetics of fine arts and the skills of horticulture.

Bookbinding: Intimate Journals
Adults & Teens
Instructor: Andrea Peterson
Saturday, July 13, 1:30–4:30 pm
$40, $36 for members $10 supply fee, no supply discount
Using a variety of handmade and machine-made papers, students will create small, intimate books that fit in their pocket. An introduction to the basics of bookbinding, tools and paper handling skills will be taught, as well as long stitch, stab bound, pocket fold and map book techniques.

Fused Glass I
Ages 16 and up
Instructor: Twyla Butler
Saturday, July 27, 12:00–2:30 pm
$65, $58.50 for members $10 supply fee, no supply discount
In this introductory class, students will learn the basic concepts of layout, glass cutting, fusing and kiln work while creating a coaster and some jewelry pieces.

Hat Making: Tea & Fascinators
Ages 14 and up
Instructor: Amanda Joyner
Wednesday, July 17 3:00-5:00 pm (tea time!)
$25, $22.50 for members $20 supply fee, no supply discount
Learn how to trim and create unique fascinators. From feathers to fabrics, Amanda will demonstrate techniques to get started in hat making. Small sinamay hat bases and trims will be provided. Students will leave with a finished hat and enjoy treats & tea from Bowler Man Confections.

Mickey-DrawingSummer Camps

Culture Club Art Camp
Ages 7-13
Instructor: Hannah Hammond-Hagman
10 sessions: Monday-Friday, July 8-19, 2013
9:00-11:00 am
$120, $108 for members
Our two-week summer camp will introduce students to a variety of art, crafts, music and foods from different cultures. Students will be issued a passport at the beginning of camp and be introduced to the cultures of the African Congo, India, Japan, Jamaica and Mexico. Each country will be introduced by showing where it is located on the earth and some general facts about the country. We will then delve deeper into the native arts and music, giving students an appreciation of human diversity.

Famous Artists Art Camp
Ages 7-13
Instructor: Hannah Hammond-Hagman
5 sessions: Monday-Friday, July 29 - August 2, 2013
9:00-11:00 am
$60, $54 for members
Students will investigate the works of well-known Masters and create their own masterpieces from the inspirational subjects using a variety of techniques.


Twyla Butler’s fascination with glass started in 1993. Mastering the copper foil and lead techniques she quickly moved on to mosaic and fused glass. This lead to instructing employee art classes for major corporations in the region. Butler’s other art work includes sterling silver jewelry, mixed metal jewelry and photography.

Linda Sorkin Eisenberg holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from Columbia College in Chicago. She co-founded Paper Press, a non-profit center for papermaking that Columbia College acquired in 1994 and formed the nucleus of Columbia’s Book and Paper Graduate Program.

Esther Guncheon works in metals and textiles. She has been teaching art to young people for two years in the afterschool program. Guncheon also serves as Gallery Shop Director at Lubeznik Center.

Studio ceramic artist, Jon Hook creates sculptural work and functional pottery. Jon’s work is in numerable private collections. He exhibits his work nationally as well as his own gallery in LaPorte, IN. He has built his own kiln in which he only fires with wood. It is important to him to live as close in harmony that he can with his surrounding environment.

Lu Hook is a 14-year old plant enthusiast. Lu strives to live in harmony with his natual world. Homeschooled in LaPorte, he works and manages the family gardens.

Amanda Joyner is a Pastry Chef turned Milliner from Texas. She taught herself the art of millinery before turning to Joy Scott of Chicago for more millinery training. Her love of hats stems from musicals and her quirky sense of style.

Deborah Landry lives in Porter, IN and has done several public art projects in Northwest Indiana including several in Michigan City Area Schools, the BP Plant in Whiting and 700 tiles in Westcott Park. She holds a BA in sculpture from the University of West Georgia. You can view more of her artwork at www.renditionsstudio.com.

Andrea Peterson is an artist and educator. She lives and creates work in Northwest Indiana at Hook Pottery Paper, a studio and gallery co-owned with her husband. She combines paper arts, printmaking and book binding to make works that address humans and their relationship to the environment.

Jo Ellen Pilecki holds a Bachelor’s degree in History and English and a Master’s degree in English and secondary education from Indiana University Bloomington. She taught English and creative writing at Rogers and Michigan City High School. She is an experienced group leader and an Amherst Writers and Artists affiliate, certified to lead workshops in the AWA method.

Valerie Taglieri is a local artist that received her BFA in painting and drawing as well as an Art Teacher Certification (K- 12) from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Since then, she has taught art to children of all ages. She received her MFA in Interdisciplinary Arts and Media from Columbia College Chicago. Presently, she is an instructor at the Illinois Institute of Art where she teaches design, color theory and drawing.

Click here to register for these classes! Class registrations are due two weeks prior to the start of class. No registration will be taken without full payment. Refunds will be issued minus a $25 fee through the first class. No refunds will be made after that time.