The Dale E. Landsman Art Foundation has once again awarded Lubeznik Center for the Arts (LCA) with a grant supporting LCA’s Teen Arts Council (TAC). This time LCA generously received a three-year grant to help plan for the future of TAC.
In 2017, LCA founded TAC hoping it would become an inclusive and experiential program for young creative leaders across the region and offer exceptional opportunities for a diverse group of high school students interested in deepening their understanding of the art world as well as themselves.
LCA is proud this free program has grown and now connects creative teens from around the region with unique arts experiences to expand their knowledge of contemporary art practices, the roles that artists play in society and their own creative voices. Members also make their mark in unique ways. For example, TAC collaborated with accomplished artist, Ish Muhammad Nieves, to create murals in the Dunes Cafe at Franciscan Health Michigan City hospital when it was built.
This program is free thanks to support from groups such as the Dale E. Landsman Arts Foundation, administered by the Unity Foundation of La Porte County.
Creativity was always front and center in the Landsman household. Before moving from Chicago to Long Beach, Ind. in the late ’70s, Dale Landsman and his wife, Peg, had made a successful life for themselves in advertising and the arts. Their belief in the importance of the arts, especially in the lives of children and young adults, has become a family legacy in the form of the Dale E. Landsman Arts Foundation. The foundation was created to honor his memory and to promote his love for the arts.

The Landsmans’ daughter, Eve Wierzbicki, is the local spokesperson for the arts foundation. "The Teen Arts Council," says Eve Wierzbicki, "is exactly the sort of program my father would have backed. It seems LCA is ‘out there’ now. It’s not stuffy. I think they’re doing a really good job of breaking down the intimidation factor.”
With a combination of fun and education, TAC members take trips to regional museums and events, enjoy art workshops, visit artists’ studios, develop their individual portfolios and participate in monthly meetings. Members have opportunities to sell their work, and those wishing to pursue further education in the arts are supported and connected to college admissions processes. LCA executive director, Janet Bloch states, "The long-term support of the Dale E. Landsman Foundation has helped the Teen Arts Council grow and develop into the impactful program it has become. We cannot thank them enough!"
TAC meets on the third Thursday of each month from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The next meeting of TAC is Thursday, April 28 at LCA. The group will be learning and experimenting with the process of gelli printing, taught by local fiber artist and print maker, Laurel Izzard. All supplies will be provided. Teens can sign up by emailing nmarcano@lubeznikcenter.org, calling 874-4900 or just showing up to a meeting.