Home»Entertainment»Arts»Lubeznik Center for the Arts presents FAKE REAL November 2, 2020 – January 9, 2021

Lubeznik Center for the Arts presents FAKE REAL November 2, 2020 – January 9, 2021

Lubeznik Center for the Arts presents FAKE REAL November 2, 2020 – January 9, 2021

Lubeznik Center for the Arts (LCA) opens a new exhibition, FAKE REAL, with a reception on November 6, from 4:00 to 7:00 PM (Central). Admission remains free but timed tickets are required for entry. Tickets are now available on a first-come, first-serve basis online at https://fakereal.eventbrite.com.

FAKE REAL considers the current environment regarding fact and fiction, and how difficult it can be to ascertain the truth. What can we believe? Finding answers can be daunting. Sorting fact from fiction is a pressing issue all over the world these days and encompasses topics ranging from elections and climate change, to the economy, public health and social media personas. Exhibiting artists are Cindy Bernhard, Steven Eichhorn, Carson Fox, Jeffrey Grauel, Regin Igloria, Moises Salazar, Anne Yafi and Rodrigo Lara Zendejas. The eight artists explore cultural and individual perceptions, biases and myths.

For example, there is more to artist Jeffrey Grauel’s artworks than meets the eye. In order to create his work, Grauel first searches for unopened latch hook rug kits from the 1970’s. He hooks them according to their directions and then goes back, and hooks longer strands of yarn, of a single color, between the rows. This, in effect, buries the images from the front so they are only visible reversed on the backs of the rugs. This technique forces the viewer to walk around the artworks to discover the
hidden image.

Artist Cindy Bernhard revels in the materiality of paint, often applying it with pastry tools. Utilizing humor, she explores femininity and the illusion of it. Dogs serve as a stand-in for the human figure. Bernhard writes that this allows the viewer to feel empathy and humor while eliminating problematic representations of the female figure.

“In addition to mounds of paint, I collage faux nails, eyelashes, glitter, sequin, and holographic papers to my canvas. These synthetic materials call attention to fabricated manifestations of beauty, over-abundance, and excess,” she continues. Her exploration seems to echo Grauel’s message that appearances can be deceiving.

Stephen Eichhorn creates elaborate collaged works that look like geological formations. Piles of collage components surround him in his studio and inspire these in-depth meditations on form made by cutting, layering and glueing found pages from books and other materials. His process is quiet, meticulous and involves focused organization of collected materials, gathering and cutting, and composing something that is not at all real, and not exactly fake.

All of the artists included in FAKE REAL attempt to determine fact from fiction and end up creating their own form of reality in order to accommodate the multiple questions their work proposes. Does the truth lie here? These artists encourage you to find out.

If you plan to visit, please note that LCA continues to employ safety measures, including capacity restrictions, advance online ticket reservations, mandatory wearing of masks and social distancing. Complimentary disposable masks and gloves are provided upon request.

LCA will be open to the public weekdays from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM and 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM on weekends, closed Tuesdays. LCA’s Gallery Shop, with hundreds of artisan-made pieces from whimsical to elegant at every price point, is also reopening during visitor hours.