A few years ago, Lubeznik Center for the Arts, a staple of the Michigan City art scene, knew it was time for a change. They worked to develop a three-year strategic plan to redesign their website and branding, but at the time, felt they did not have all the pieces in place yet.
What the staff members knew for certain was that while the old logo, branding, and website had served them well for a long time, they wanted to better represent who they were. They wanted to communicate through color, photos, and ease of use that they were fun and family-friendly.
As the staff members worked to put the final touches on the strategic plan, they discovered the Grant for Good offered by a design studio based in Chicago called Firebelly Design. The Grant for Good gives one non-profit a year services up to $150,000. Deciding that a professional design studio’s input could be just what Lubeznik needed, the staff applied for the grant. Lubeznik became a finalist and then landed the grant.
Working with Firebelly proved to be exactly what Lubeznik needed.
“There were incredible sessions about every person we served, everything that we do, and all the things that are important to us about our philosophy,” said Executive Director Janet Bloch. “A year later, we ended up with a new logo and website and also some things we have not implemented yet.”
With Firebelly’s assistance, Bloch along with Kyle Murphey, Marketing Director; Rod Lubeznik, Vice President; Hannah Hammond-Hagman, Education Director; and Lora Fosberg, Exhibitions Director, where able to make their vision a reality.

“We were very aligned on what we feel Lubeznik is all about,” Bloch said. “At the center of everything is our community, but what we want to bring to the community is the absolute best arts experiences. It’s great to have a Warhol show, but if the community doesn’t come to see it, it doesn’t really matter. We want to bring the best and make sure people feel welcome and that we’re accessible.”
The website went through a total overhaul, making it easy to navigate, user-friendly, and increasing access to include all events, classes, and current exhibits. In the future, the public will also be able to access all Lubeznik’s past exhibits. Murphey noted they now have a much tighter branding style guide so that all colors, fonts, and pictures correspond and visually communicate who they are as a company.
“The branding and the new website were very much like a change of clothes,” Murphey said. “It was about making the outside of us look how we feel on the inside. It was very important to actually align how we act with who people perceive us. We didn’t want to feel as rigid or stuffy as the old logo and website sometimes felt. It was about bringing out that fun aspect of us with a hint of sophistication.”
Lubeznik offers free admission to their building six days a week as they are closed on Tuesdays for COVID-19 sanitization. The public can get involved in a variety of ways with a host of scholarships available to them as well as an upcoming festival planned for this August.
“We want them to know there are points they can enter whether they’re interested in a class, the artwork, or the gift shop,” Bloch said.
To see their brand-new website and check out all Lubeznik Center for the Arts has to offer, visit https://www.lubeznikcenter.org/.