Home»Business»Development»Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann Recognizes Downtown La Porte as an Indiana Main Street Community

Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann Recognizes Downtown La Porte as an Indiana Main Street Community

la-porte-chamberLt. Governor Sue Ellspermann will participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony to designate Downtown La Porte Main Street Association as an Indiana Main Street (IMS) Community.

Indiana Main Street is one of the key ways the state of Indiana supports local communities in their efforts to revitalize, restore and develop their downtown areas.

WHO: Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann, joining OCRA and city officials

WHAT: Celebration and Ribbon Cutting for La Porte joining the IMS Community

WHEN: Tuesday, August 27 at 3:00 p.m. CST

WHERE: Greater La Porte Chamber of Commerce (outdoor event) 803 Washington Street La Porte, IN 46350

(inclement weather – event will be held inside the Greater La Porte Chamber of Commerce) Media welcome to attend.

For more information on Indiana Main Street visit our website at http://www.in.gov/ocra/mainstreet.htm.

The Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs was created by legislation in 2005, making rural Indiana a major focus for the first time. For additional information on OCRA and its programs visit www.in.gov/ocra.

For updates from the Lt. Governor and the agencies she oversees, please visit www.in.gov/lgov.