LPHS Students Display Knowledge Across the Board

Knowledge-Masters-4It is rare to come across a club with only one prerequisite- know a lot of things about, well a lot of things. But that is exactly what is needed to compete in the bi-annual Knowledge Masters Open.

Students at La Porte High School got together to take the 200 question Knowledge Master test on Wednesday, April 24. The test is done collectively with no help from outside sources, calculators or the internet. What makes the test most unique is the topics covered. It hits on all subjects, including random trivia, and can be as specific as inquiring about 18th century poets and the classification of succulents.

Knowledge-Masters-1“I enjoy the intellectual challenge,” member Meaghan Murphy said.

The team is rewarded points for both speed and accuracy. This rush to succeed can create an atmosphere that almost feels like the stock market. A question comes up and instantly shouts, debates and problem-solving fills the room as the students work towards an answer. Generally, each student was a particular strength in a subject and steps into their area of expertise.

“We compete against other schools across the county. Typically, in Indiana we are in the top ten out of roughly 30 other schools,” club sponsor Angela Saoud said.

Knowledge-Masters-3The team will soon receive the results to see how they fared in this year’s competition. However, the competition was bittersweet. It was announced that after nearly 30 years there will be no more Knowledge Master competition, marking the end of an intellectual tradition and La Porte High School.

“I feel like I learn a lot of stuff about a lot of stuff when it is over,” Abby Witherow said.