LPHS Show Choir let loose tonight with sharing their voices, dance moves and acting skills on stage at their first-ever musical by performing “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.”
Click here to see more photos from the production!
The musical written by Clark Gesner and John Gordon consists of twelve songs and fourteen skits, some of which are: You're a Good Man Charlie Brown, Queen Lucy, Snoopy, My Blanket and Me, The Kite and The Doctor is In.
It tells the story of a typical day in the life of the famous comic strip hero, Charlie Brown. Just like Peanuts, Brown and his group of friends do not get along the best, but as the musical progresses, the relationships between them grows stronger and stronger.
The Show Choir has worked tirelessly during class by running through lines, music, placement, as well as focusing on publicity, advertising and many more responsibilities to put the show together and giving it the credit it deserves.
Junior Alec Mace played the lead role of Charlie Brown. Similar to the comic strip, Mace portrayed Brown as a resilient, over-thinking and lovable boy trying to find his place in the world. Mace is only used to dancing and singing, and this was the first time he has ever acted in front of an audience.
Alongside Mace stood seniors Grace Hooley (Patty), Tommy Cornett (Schroeder), Angel Hodge (Snoopy), Cynthia Tapia (Violet), Lexie Cardello (Woodstock), Brianna Hill (Sally), Brooke Baima (Clara) and Jacob Lemaitre (Pigpen). Amongst the juniors were Taylor Jump (Lucy), Vanessa Evans (Freida) and Luke Dabbert who played Linus.
Since this is the Show Choir’s first musical, Choir Director Tom Coe helped decide on what would make the best, first production.
“[Charlie Brown] is a great one to start with as our first show because it is relatively small and doesn't require a lot of scenery or costumes. It's also been a favorite of mine since I was in it in high school. Musical theater was such a great experience for me in high school; I wanted to share that with my students. I also felt like we needed to grow in the area of expression and character. I feel that has definitely happened through the process of working on the show,” Coe said.
He is excited that his students get to experience something he got to experience at this age.
“The thrill of performing onstage is something I hope they will all remember for a lifetime,” Coe said.
Those in the production have already noticed its impact it has left on them, and will take this moment from their high school career with them in the future.
“At the beginning of the musical, we were all stand-offish and weren’t very comfortable with one another, but as it went on, we got closer and had more fun with it,” Baima said.
This musical allowed them to expand their horizons by incorporating acting with singing, and also gave them an idea of all the hard work that is put in to make the musical a masterpiece.
Jane DeVries, Cindy Berchem , Miles Fettinger, Mike Dabbert, Dan Hill and Robin Coe along with Hawkins Print Shop, Traci Kling, Joe Mrozinske and Dan Jeffers all contributed their time and talents to the musical by assisting with lighting, sound, set construction, costumes, graphic design, printing and box office duties.
“We’ve come a long way since the beginning and I am proud of what we did tonight. We could not have done it without Mr. Coe and Mrs. DeVries, who have helped make this happen,” senior Grace Hooley said.
This is only one of their two performances this weekend. On Sunday, March 1 at 2:00 p.m., the show will be put on again for those who were unable to view it tonight.
“I am most excited to present to an audience the progress we have made in these past eight weeks. I would like to do it again. I can't believe I'm saying that after such a hectic week, but it is been very rewarding,” Coe said.
The musical is kid-friendly, and families are encouraged to bring their children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins to watch the detail-oriented, edge-of-the-seat and comical performance. Tickets may be sold at the door, $3 for children ages twelve and under and $5 for adults.