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Looking Back: My Favorite Interviews

Looking-Back-Best-InterviewsI’m closing in on my four-year anniversary here at Ideas in Motion Media, and the journey has been the equivalent of riding a roller coaster blindfolded. (Those who know me know that I love roller coasters – so this is a good thing) On my wild trip I’ve followed the directions of Chris, our CEO and idea guy, and Brett, our behind-the-scenes man with a mind like a steel trap. Through them and the rest of the wily group that I get to work with, I’ve been able to cross paths with some amazing people outside of our office.

And now let me reminisce – in no particular order - about these people, the best interviews I’ve ever had in my working career at Ideas in Motion Media.

Bill Wellman

Bill-Wellman-TapsA well-known man around the Region, Wellman is a WWII veteran with an incredible story. He invited me to his home one evening and we talked; then listened as the solemn notes of “Taps” played at dusk. 

Carolyn Flahive

carolyn-flahiveThis is one of the sweetest ladies that you will ever meet. She retired from Opportunity Enterprises a few years back and every time I saw her she was filled with life and the most interesting things to say. 

Lisa Davenport

Lisa-DavenportI met Lisa at upon the suggestion of Judy Kukelka of Rittenhouse Senior Living of Portage. Looking back, this woman is so beautiful inside and out. She’s a cancer survivor who shares a love of motorcycles with me. 

Prestin Butcher

CranesforPrestin22This is an article that I wrote early on in my time with IIMM. This little guy is tough. He was diagnosed with medulloblastoma in 2011, and his entire class put their support behind him. The came together to make 1,000 paper cranes for him as he went through chemotherapy. In Japanese culture, making 1,000 paper cranes signifies good luck and good fortune. 

Robert Petty

RDC-Cigar-Guitars 1Robert works for Residences at Deer Creek in Schererville. I’ve interviewed him more than once, but this most recent interview I did with him and some ladies from Campagna Academy was really neat. First, I discovered what a cigar box guitar was. Second, I discovered what a talented craftsman and musician Robert is. Third, I discovered what a nice guy he is. 

Bert Cook

Bert-CookBert has been a long-time supporter of IIMM, and he’s a welcome guest our office. Each time I see Bert he’s very kind and gentlemanly, ready with a hug and a handshake. A respectable family man, Bert is a class act. 

Polly Ann and Dennis Wallace

Polly-Dennis-Wallace 1This will probably be in my top favorite interviews forever. I interviewed Polly Ann and Dennis a few days after their 70th wedding anniversary in 2015 at Culver’s of Valparaiso, their favorite restaurant, while they were surrounded by family. They reminded me of my own grandparents, who are still very in love, and I hope with the strongest parts of my heart that I can share with someone a long-lasting love like theirs.