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Links of the Week: Captain America, Space Jam and a Few Thoughts on Writing Stuff

Links of the Week: Captain America, Space Jam and a Few Thoughts on Writing Stuff

I was having a hard time coming up for this introduction part for my Links of the Week and I was really having a hard time focusing on one thing enough for 300 words this week. Should I write about springtime? Kentucky Derby? Mother’s Day?

I went back to some of my older articles to see how this section evolved and perhaps something could trigger a subject to pop into my head. I’ve written about everything from Brett Favre to Google Wave to getting married. I’ve been wrong about Super Bowls and Prince, my dislike for scary movies, and even my former addiction to Madden football on XBox. When everything is on the table, it suddenly becomes harder to focus on one particular topic.

One thing I did notice is that, over time, my writing has improved a little. It’s a little less manic and a little more rhythmic, which is a good thing. But that got me thinking: It’s pretty cool I have this archive of weekly spiels that date back to 2009, totaling . You should give it a try - we’re always looking for people to share their voices on the site. It doesn’t have to be “good news” or about any particular thing that matters. I once wrote about how spring is the best season and that people who like fall best are weird because that’s when everything dies.

So, take some time this week to write something that doesn’t matter. It can be fun. Here are your Links of the Week:

For your weekly update in plate tectonics: an expert predicts that the San Andreas fault is “locked, loaded and ready to roll”. My thing is, I’ve been hearing that since the third grade. I mean, technically he is correct, but I guess I just don’t understand why this article had to be written. [Los Angeles Times]

Everyone seems to be up in arms this week that they’re making a Space Jam sequel starring LeBron James. I think I figured a way to make it work: include MIchael Jordan as the coach! That way it can be a true sequel and everyone can shut up about it. You’re welcome, Hollywood. [Dark Horizons]

Adweeks wonders if the advent of Snapchat means that “vertical” videos will become the trend with smartphones. NOOOO! I FINALLY TRAINED MY WIFE TO FILM THINGS HORIZONTALLY AND YOU WANT TO THROW IT ALL AWAY?!?! [Adweek]

Read this story about how Sony joined Google and Samsung in the Contact Lens Photo game if you want to feel super futuristic. [Mashable]

Katie Nolan is an up-and-coming sports personality who is starting her 2nd season of Garbage Time, a funny talk show on Fox Sports. She’s funny and smart and The Guardian did a deep dive on where she’s at in the sports media world. Good girl to root for. [Fox Sports]

I gotta study up on the "10 Habits of Well-Liked Bosses" [Fast Company]

I kinda want to see the new Captain America: Civil War this weekend like every other male in the 18-34 demographic, but I haven’t seen any of the Captain America or Thor movies, or really any other superhero movie for that matter. Can I still go? [The Verge]

Stephen Colbert’s start to his network Light Night TV run is not starting out so well in the ratings department. I love Colbert, but am on #TeamKimmel4Life. [WeeklyStandard]

Speaking of ratings, is the Live Sporting Event Rights Bubble starting to burst? [Sports Business Journal]

The sun is up, the sky is blue. Get out and have a good weekend.