Home»Leadership Life explores La Porte’s success with Bert Cook, Executive Director of LEAP

Leadership Life explores La Porte’s success with Bert Cook, Executive Director of LEAP

Leadership Life explores La Porte’s success with Bert Cook, Executive Director of LEAP

Editor’s Note: Check out this compilation of all the professionals from the region we’ve interviewed for the Leadership Life Series, in one convenient place!

In an organization where you’re bringing together stakeholders from across the board to collaborate – public, private, community, and political sectors – it’s super important to have a strong foundation of relationship development and leadership. Join us as Bert Cook, Executive Director of the La Porte Economic Advancement Partnership, shares insights about the most recent economic development successes in La Porte and how the positive momentum is supported by LEAP’s strong leadership philosophies. Cook has worked in the economic development field for 14 years, including serving as executive director of the Portage Economic Development corporation and retention and expansion coordinator for the La Porte County Economic Development Alliance. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Purdue University North West, and additional development certificates from Purdue and Ball State University. Cook sits on a number of boards and commissions in the region and is a member of Rotary Club of La Porte.

The new La Porte Economic Advancement Partnership

Bert Cook details how LEAP is an alliance of the former GLEDC the former Greater La Porte Chamber of Commerce, and how the organization is committed to moving La Porte forward.

La Porte on the Move

Bert Cook talks about the exciting projects moving the La Porte community along from an economic development standpoint, including the new La Porte Hospital and the youth sports complex.

The Value of Working Together

The more you engage people and listen to other points of view, the better your end product will be. Bert Cook shares this, and other great lessons he's learned from his dad and from being in the business for a while.