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Lake Hills Students Participate in 2016 STEM Day

Lake-Hills-STEM-Collage-04-18-16Lake Hills STEM Elementary School fifth graders traveled to Michigan City High School on Friday, April 15th for a "STEM Day" with high school science students.

Twenty-four MCHS science students ran the program, which took place in the library media center and included stations for Biology, Chemistry, Human Body Systems, Physics, and Anatomy & Physiology. Working with the older students, the fifth graders dissected and compared preserved specimens, made "slime," looked at cells through a microscope, and learned to take vitals. They also pretended to be red blood cells, racing each other through a heart and circulatory system mapped out with tape on the floor. The "shock" of the day, however, was playing with the Van der Graaf generator!

The project was coordinated by MCHS teacher Angie Gresham and Lake Hills STEM specialist Shelley Deutscher. Other collaborating teachers included Stephanie Dege, Mark Marz, Andy Jasicki, and Ashley Zahrt.

"The younger students really seemed to look up to the high school students, and everyone loved doing science together!" said Gresham.