The La Porte Police Department announced today the completion of increased enforcement during the 2016 Thanksgiving holiday travel period. During the 24 day enforcement period, 91 tickets and 252 warnings were written by officers working extra traffic patrols.
“The foundations of driving safe begin with important actions such as wearing your seat belt and not driving intoxicated,” said Captain Tom Heath. “These actions and their messages extended well beyond the travel season, and we will continue driving those messages home to drivers and passengers alike.”
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), on average, more than 10,000 people die on U.S. roadways, due to intoxicated driving. When it comes to buckling up, in 2014 alone, statistics show seat belts saved an estimated 12,802 lives nationwide. In Indiana, in 2015, seat belt usage in passenger cars was 91.9 percent, up from 90.2 percent in 2014.
“Success in making Indiana’s roadways safe comes through the partnership between education and enforcement,” said ICJI Director Dave Murtaugh. “The hard work and dedication of law enforcement officers across our state makes this successful, and I want to thank them for their work to keep Hoosiers safe.”
Increased enforcement during the Thanksgiving Holiday period is an annual statewide effort supported by federal highway safety funding. The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute distributes funding to more than 250 participating Indiana law enforcement agencies.
To learn more about the La Porte Police Department and its programs and operations please visit: