Home»Other»La Porte Police Department Operation Pull Over Announcements

La Porte Police Department Operation Pull Over Announcements

La-Porte-Police-DepartmentThe La Porte City Police Department will be conducting Aggressive Driving patrols from January 12th - January 24th. Officers will be working 60 hours of extra patrols under the Operation Pull Over grant. Aggressive driving patrols will target those dangerous moving violations that cause or directly contribute to traffic crashes.

The 57 traffic crashes for January of 2016 consisted of 4 crashes with injuries that injured 8 people. Six of the injuries were from Failure to Yield or Disregarding Signals and the other 2 were from Following Too Close. Of the 57 crashes, 65% of the crashes were a result of actions related to dangerous driving. Failure to Yield/Disregarding Signals contributed to 28.1%, Speed and Lane Usage factors contributed to 8.8% each and Following Too Closely contributed 19.3%. Officers will focus their efforts on these dangerous violations as wells as other dangerous moving violations such as Texting and Driving violations. All these efforts are in hopes of reducing crashes and injuries in La Porte.

Operation Pull Over is a traffic safety grant program funded by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration and administered by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. The goal of Operation Pull Over is to reduce traffic crash injuries and fatalities by promoting passenger restrain use, and supporting impaired and dangerous driving enforcement.

For more information on Operation Pull Over and the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute’s other programs and activities, please visit http://www.in.gov/cji.