Home»Other»La Porte Police Department January Operation Pull Over Aggressive Driving Patrol Results

La Porte Police Department January Operation Pull Over Aggressive Driving Patrol Results

La-Porte-Police-DepartmentLa Porte Police Department officers recently completed a series of aggressive and dangerous driving patrols that were run between January 12 and 26. Many of the dangerous driving behaviors such as but not limited to Speeding and Automatic Signal/Stop Sign violations were the focus of these patrols.

During the patrols officers worked 63.25 of Operation Pull Over funded overtime; 24.25 hours from 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM and 39 hours from 6:00 PM – 6:00 AM. Officers wrote a total of 80 citations and 108 warnings. Of the citations, 38 were for speeding; 5 were for seat belt violations; 22 were for sign/signal violations, 7 was for driving while suspended, 4 for Driving Left of Center, and 6 were for various other violations. The vast majority of the warnings were for equipment and non-moving violations. One stop yielded an arrest for Possession of Marijuana of 105 grams. Officers also conducted one Standard Field Sobriety Test on a driver but the driver passed the tests.

“The La Porte Police Department is committed to reducing the amount of crashes and crash related injuries that occur within the City of La Porte. We will continue to have extra patrols focused on passenger restraint violations and dangerous driving,” stated Captain Pat Hemphill

Operation Pull Over is a traffic safety grant program funded by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration and administered by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. The goal of Operation Pull Over is to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and fatalities by promoting passenger restraint use, and supporting impaired and dangerous driving enforcement.

For more information on Operation Pull Over and the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute’s other programs and activities, please visit http://www.in.gov/cji.