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La Porte Minister’s Association Elects New Officers

cross-yellowThe Greater La Porte Ministerial Association elected a new slate of officers at a recent meeting.

Elected were:

President: Pastor Mike Sutton (Liberty Bible Church La Porte)
Vice-President: Pastor Dennis Meyer (Bethany Lutheran Church)
Secretary: Pastor Bob Raschka (Salem Chapel/Maple Grove United Methodist Churches)

The Ministerial association meets the third Thursday of each month from 1:30-2:30pm in different churches. All area pastors and ministry leaders are invited to join us as we meet this Thursday October 18th. We will meet at Bethany Lutheran Church 102 G Street in La Porte. Pastors and ministry leaders are welcome to join together as we become better acquainted and seek direction in serving the La Porte in new ways.

Come join us! If you have any questions contact Mike Sutton at 219-510-3193 or mikes@lbchurch.org