Local Lore: The Wabash Railroad April 1 at Main 6:30pm Author Victor Baird will talk about the Wabash Railroad that went through Kingsbury and Westville in La Porte County. He will also sell and sign his book on this subject.
Science Meets Art April 9 at Coolspring 1pm Elementary aged children can stop in at Coolspring any time between 1 pm and 3 pm. We'll have three craft stations set up and the kids can do one or all three crafts and learn a bit of science along the way.
Easter Bells: A Musical Celebration! April 11 at Union Mills 5pm Celebrate Easter and the coming of Spring with the beautiful sounds of Valparaiso University's one-and-only handbell choir! Shake off April's chill with the cheerful harmonies of these skilled musicians. For a preview, check out the songs on the VU website: http://www.valpo.edu/student/handbellchoir/index.php
Plant People April 12 at Hanna 10am April is National Gardening Month. We will be making some "Plant People" so make sure you bring your green thumb to this family program. Materials will be provided.
Ch-Ch-Chia Bugs! April 15 at Fish Lake 6pm Come to Fish Lake and learn how to make your own chia caterpillars, dirt-free! Intended for K-5th grade. Bring Gardening for Kids materials if you can.
Medieval Medicine: The Black Plague April 16 at Kingsford Heights 6pm Come meet a costumed medieval plague doctor and learn how people used plants, perfumes, foods, bloodletting, and even dancing to treat bubonic plague in medieval and Renaissance Europe.
All Aboard With Thomas! April 17 at Main 6pm All aboard for a fun time featuring stories, songs, and a craft based on the beloved character, Thomas the Tank Engine.
Experience Medieval Life April 19 at Kingsford Heights 1pm Visit with a medieval character to find out about family life and times over 500 years ago. What did people eat and wear? What jobs did people do? Did children play? Use hands-on tools and activities under the guidance of re-enactor Amanda Swanson and truly relive the past! For all ages.
Job Search Workshop April 23 at Coolspring 1pm Join librarian Deborah Meserve as she discusses library resources you can use in your job search. She'll also show you where to look for jobs online and how to apply for them.
Plant Swap Saturday April 26 at Hanna 11am-1pm Come celebrate National Gardening Month! Bring a plant (or two) from your own garden to swap with another gardener. See what exciting new plants you can grow this year!
Teen Swap Meet April 26 at Main 1pm- 3pm Spring cleaning time! Are you tired of your stuff? Would you like some new stuff? Bring in your clean, working-order clothes, books, games, room decorations, and anything else you think another teen might want. Drop off items in the Youth Services Department at the Main Library from April 1-25. Each item you bring in may be redeemed for one ticket to spend at the Swap Meet. Tickets will be distributed on the day of the Swap Meet, April 26. Spend all your tickets and score something new!
Technology Classes Tech Help April 21, May 19 at Main 2:30pm-5:30pm April 22, May 27 at Main 5pm-8pm Have a question about how to open an email attachment? Need to know how to download using iTunes? How can I upload images to Social Media? Need help with the new Zinio electronic magazine service? Have a question about your Tablet, Ereader or computer? Come in to the computer lab for tech help!
Protect Your PC For Free April 2 at Main 10am-12pm Join us and get tips on how to install free software which will guard your PC from harm and do the fighting for you. We'll also give helpful advice on how to handle online transactions, emails, and social media sites such as Facebook to ensure your online reputation and personal information stay secure. After attending you will know how to easily lock down your computer's security features. Don't take chances online -- attend this class!
Microsoft Excel Basics April 15 at Main 10am-12pm Microsoft Excel allows you to organize, format, and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system broken up by rows and columns. Join us as we learn the basics of the software. Join us as we discuss the basics of the software.
Readers Groups
Rolling Prairie Reading Group April 1, May 6 10am April: Dear Life" by Alice Munro The Panel April 16 at Main 6pm Join in the discussion of graphic novels each month with The Panel. Check the calendar of events for titles to be discussed.
Unpulped April 10 at Twisted K-8 Brewing 6pm Unpulped is a book club for patrons in their 20s and 30s looking to expand their reading interest and meet new people their age in the community.
Page Turners April 8 at Main 12pm: A People's History of the United States Part 2 by Howard Zinn.
Coolspring Book Club April 29 7pm Stop by the branch to pick up your copy of this month's book. Check our online calendar or give us a call to find out the current title. 219-879-3272.
Children’s Storytimes
Baby Storytimes April 3, 10, 17, 24 at Main 10am Join us for stories, songs, and play designed to promote early language development and future reading skills. This program is intended for babies 0-24 months and their caregivers.
Daytime Storytimes April 4, 11, 18, 25 at Main 10am Enjoy stories, music, activities and crafts that develop and reinforce early literacy skills and concepts. Intended fro children ages 3-5 with their adult caregiver.
Nighttime Storytime April 28 at Main 6:30 p.m. Come to the library for a special nighttime storytime with our friends from Dunebrook's Playgroup Babytalk. Enjoy songs, stories, and fingerplays with your child as you build literacy skills. This storytime is intended for children ages 0-5.