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La Porte County High School Students Attend 2017 Leadership Program

Leadership La Porte County recently completed its 22nd annual leadership program with more than 40 local high school students participating from La Porte County high schools. Schools were asked to nominate 5 students for participation in the program. Participating high schools included: La Crosse, La Porte, Marquette Catholic, Michigan City, New Prairie, South Central and Westville. Additionally, three home schooled students were part of the program. Four all-day sessions were held at different locations around the county - Purdue North West, the La Porte County Complex, Red Mill County Park and Cummings Lodge.

Facilitators for the seminars were Leadership Executive Director, Monica Komasinski, Youth Service Bureau staff member Alliegra Hand, Youth Service Bureau intern Gretchen Kubit and community volunteer Jim Jessup. Nine students from last year’s class served as student leaders. They were: Madeleine Nunn (LaPorte), Claudia Patterson (Westville), Austin Sallee (South Central), Adriann Reynolds (Marquette), Garrett Gangloff (New Prairie), Justine Charlesworth (La Crosse), Emma Zaknoun and Rishi Verma (Michigan City) and Audrey Ott (home school). The program was funded by a community grant from the Unity Foundation.

The students practiced leadership skills such as communication, problem solving, team-building, collaboration, and decision-making. At the opening session they did a personality assessment in order to better understand group dynamics and individual personality traits. At the County Complex the group toured the County Jail, heard from Sheriff John Boyd and Sergeant Andy Hynek. They also interviewed a panel of offenders. The student leaders facilitated many discussions on current youth issues. Michigan City School Resource officer Dion Campbell spoke to the group on community leadership and diversity. Chris Mahlmann also spoke to the group on the power of positivity in life and in social media. The final session featured “graduation” speaker Gerrie Grott who shared her perspective on overcoming any odds to become a community leader.

A panel of young professionals including Bert Cook, Shannon Hannon, Justin Kiel and Nate Loucks, held a question and answer session with students. They discussed their leadership journey and gave inspiring advice to the students. Each graduate received a certificate and a commemorative tee shirt. Next year’s student leaders were chosen. They are Austin Casto and Abigail Roberts (LaPorte), Jessica Griffin (Westville), Jorden Clemens (South Central), Buddy Jaffee (Marquette), Garrett Gangloff (New Prairie), Jaye Mitzner (La Crosse), Farrah Goodall (Michigan City) and Drake Ott (home school).

For more information about Leadership La Porte County or its youth programs, contact Executive Director, Monica Komasinski at 219-325-8223 or by email at info@leadershiplaportecounty.com.