Home»Business»Development»La Porte Business Expo: Where Opportunity Knocks

La Porte Business Expo: Where Opportunity Knocks

2014-LaPorte-Business-ExpoThe La Porte Business Expo is an easy, affordable way to give your company maximum exposure, as well as learn what goods and services are available for your business. Get qualified leads and make quality connections while marketing your business to consumers.

Discover new products and services / Tell your story – what’s different, unique about your company’s offerings / Shop and Compare / Build and reinforce business relationships

The first two hours will be for chamber members only and the cost of entry is a business card. The last hour will be open for the general public and chamber members.

A Premier Sponsorship entitles your company to an EXPO booth space in a prime location, three month banner ad, bold signage at the EXPO and mention of your business in all press releases.

DEADLINE for Premier Sponsorship: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th.

A standard exhibitor space includes a six foot table with skirting and two chairs. Electricity is available at no additional cost.

Non-Profit Organizations who are members of the Greater La Porte Chamber of Commerce can reserve a booth for $150.

FOOD BOOTH - Contact Chamber
Food booth spaces include a table with skirting and two chairs. Electricity is available. This is on a first-come, first-serve basis. All food booths are expected to bring enough food to last the entire expo.

*All Exhibitors are encouraged to provide a Door Prize or Gift Certificate.

The Greater La Porte Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to promoting the local shopping experience, and it has been and will continue to be our goal to encourage area residents to shop La Porte businesses, especially those that belong to the chamber. The EXPO format provides an excellent opportunity to visit numerous businesses on one showroom floor.

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