Krueger Middle School Announces Geo Bee Winners

Krueger-Middle-School-Announces-Geo-Bee-Winners-2019Approximately 360 students at Krueger Middle School participated in the school-level competition of the National Geographic GeoBee in late November/early December. The top 10 students advanced to the final school competition. On December 12, Wyatt Bauer, a 7th grade student, won first place; Issac Williams, an 8th grade student, took second, and James Symons, a 7th grade student, finished third.

The school-level competition is the first round in the annual National Geographic GeoBee, a geography competition designed to inspire and reward students' curiosity about the world. At Krueger, the contest is coordinated by teacher Janine Peo.

Bauer, a 7th grade honor student, says he enjoys the mini series Planet Earth, which he feels helped him prepare for the contest. He will take an on-line qualifying test on March 29 to see if he advances to the state GeoBee competition.