Home»Community»Family»Independent Cat Society to host Annual Used Book Sale on Friday, July 17, 2015

Independent Cat Society to host Annual Used Book Sale on Friday, July 17, 2015

ICS-Booksale-Promo-Collage-2015The Independent Cat Society will be hosting its annual Used Book Sale on Friday, July 17th and Saturday, July 18th from 9am to 4pm at the National Guard Armory, 1502 Linwood Avenue, in Valparaiso (located on Route 30, West of Sturdy Road, next to Graceland Cemetery). This is a new location for this event so we hope everyone will take note of it and join us there.

We will not only have lots of used books, but also used prints, cds, tapes, electronics, and posters. Calico Corney's homegrown catnip, other cat related items, t-shirts, Black Cat Boutique items and much more will be available for sale. The Cool Cat Café will have delicious gourmet coffees and baked goods available. Books are $1 or less. We will also have some great raffle items available, such as a beautiful Pyrrha Necklace called 'Creativity'. All proceeds benefit the Independent Cat Society.

The 'Stars' of this event will be the cats and kittens, some of whom will be making a 'guest' appearance at the event. They love to meet everyone and strut their stuff!!

Donations of used books, cds, tapes and posters are needed for this event and can be made at the Armory on Thursday, July 16th from 11am to 4pm. For more information or questions regarding donations please contact the Independent Cat Society at 219-785-4936 or visit our website at www.catsociety.org or our ICS Facebook Event Page.

So please mark your calendars and plan on joining us at our Used Book Sale. It's guaranteed to be a good time.