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Increasing Small Business Lending Capacity

nwi-sbdcRegistration is Now Open Thursday, April 11, 2013 10:00 a.m. - noon (Eastern)

This is an internet-based session for bank presidents, small business lenders and CRA staff.

Join the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and our part­ners for a community development webinar about increasing bank capacity to support small business lend­ing in Indiana.

This roundtable will highlight three statewide programs that promote job creation and reten­tion by supporting small business development and financing. These programs also provide banks with Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) community development loan, service and investment opportunities.

Indiana Economic Development Corporation

State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI): Capital Access Program

By contributing to bank loan loss reserves, SSBCI helps banks finance creditworthy businesses that fall just outside their underwriting guidelines and supports lending to small businesses and small manufacturers.

Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) Programs

Community Investment Fund of Indiana Inc. (CIFI)

IHCDA is supporting the creation of this statewide com­munity development financial institution. CIFI focuses on financing small business loans and provides banks CRA community development loan, service and investment opportunities.

Business Expansion and Entrepreneurship Development (BEED)

ICHDA funds capacity building for micro­enterprise lending and support services through this program. BEED offers banks a place to refer clients who do not qualify for traditional financing. These businesses receive technical assistance and the oppor­tunity to apply for alternative financing. This program also provides banks CRA community development service and investment opportunities.

There is no charge for this event, but pre-registration is required.

Register by April 9

For additional information, contact Community Affairs Specialist Jenny Dandridge at (312) 382-6942 or jtdandridge@fdic.gov.