There are so many ways to manage cash nowadays. Nearly everywhere you turn, there’s an opportunity to save more, spend less, invest wisely and shop smarter.
Purchasing cards, zero balance accounts, check services — it’s all a bit overwhelming at first. But we want to help make sense of it all. Our goal at Horizon Bank is to make banking easy, effective and efficient for everyone. Part of that goal is ensuring that your cash management process works, and works well.
Here are a few ways that Horizon Bank works with you to make life easier:
Manage your receivables with check scanning, electronic fee collections, online payments and lockbox services:
Remote Deposit Capture
Deposit directly from your desk! Capture checks electronically and the resulting images are transmitted to the bank and deposited into your checking account.
Electronic (ACH) Collections
Make it easier on your customers by collecting funds directly from business and consumer accounts. Recurring fees are easily paid with preauthorized credits.
Online Payment Portal
A secure online payment portal makes it simple for donations and payments from customer accounts or credit cards. We’ll even give you a unique web address!
Lockbox Services
Accelerate the payment process and streamline your receivables with Horizon Bank’s lockbox service.
Merchant card services help improve cash flow, minimize collections risk and better serve your customers.
Merchant Processing
Get paid faster and help your business work smarter. Day-to-day processing activities are managed easily through our free online account management tool.
Electronic Gift Card
Deliver more choices with electronic gift cards, which allow you to extend more payment options to customers.
Electronic Check Service
Faster access to funds at a reduced risk and cost? Horizon’s Electronic Check Service converts all paper checks into safe, efficient electronic transactions.
Want to know more about cash management? Stay tuned for part 2 of our cash management series.