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Holiday Shopping Tips for December

Black Friday came and went. Cyber Monday has passed. Only a few shopping days until Christmas arrives — is your wallet ready?

It’s said up to $465 billion or more could be spent on holiday gifts and decor this year alone. The majority of shoppers last year (73%) shopped between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. That means there are lots of purchases left to make.

Online sales are expected to increase this year by 3%. Ecommerce has become a go-to platform for holiday gift-givers, but brick and mortar shops are far from retirement. According to a recent survey, a record 247 million shoppers visited stores and websites over the four-day weekend starting on Thanksgiving, up 9.2 percent over last year.

So are you set for the holidays? If not, time’s running out. Consider a Holiday Savings Account from Horizon Bank. Save what you want, when you want, all for free. We’ll help set aside holiday funds to ensure Christmas is merry.