Health & Spirituality: Our Kids – It Does Take a Village

Does-it-Really-MatterRande Thorpe, LaPorte Community Schools Corporation Superintendent, will be the next guest speaker at the Health & Spirituality program on Wednesday, November 13, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at LaPorte New Church Swedenborgian, 812, Indiana Avenue. Every parent, grandparent, neighbor, teacher, and all others interested in our future are invited to attend.

The previous guest speakers this season (Mayor Blair Milo and Assistant City Police Chief Julie Smith) have focused on the people of LaPorte’s individual and collective responsibility in creating an active, healthy, and safe environment for our citizens. Mr. Thorpe will continue this theme of shared consciousness for the betterment of our community’s future by talking with the audience about the reason for his life career: our youth. Some questions and thoughts he will address are:

  • Does community poverty really have an effect on education?
  • The myth of being a "well-rounded" person.
  • Did Christ really teach a parable that related to education?
  • Why do we still have public education?
  • Lessons from STAR TREK… Which is more important, "the needs of the many, or the needs of the one"?
  • Does it really matter what I do?


Rev. Kit Billings will continue the program with his thoughts on the impact that adults bestow on the attitudes, behaviors, and intelligence of children and their future in this world and beyond.

It is a difficult task to re-form a person’s character when it is confirmed and hardened with years. It is like trying to straighten an old tree, but the same effort wisely directed to a child may do much to form a character that is noble and lovely; we are then bending a pliant twig. The period of childhood, of growth and formation, gives us our best opportunity to exert an influence which will be positive and effective. When we realize how great the results of our influence may be for happiness or misery through all of life, and not in this world only but to eternity, we feel the sacredness of our duty to the children, and the importance of learning to do it wisely.” ~Rev. William L. Worcester, New Church minister

As is the tradition for these 2nd Wednesday programs, questions and comments are welcomed during and following the speakers’ informal presentations. Always the public is invited and encouraged to attend these eye-opening and heart-warming programs. Admission is free, and refreshments will be served. Donations are welcome.

Although there will be no program in December due to the busy Christmas season, the program will resume on January 8, and through May it will continue with the theme of improving our community life as well as our own. Each of these programs will focus not only on the outward aspect of our lives but also the personal intention of our actions.

For more information on this monthly series or about LaPorte New Church, Manna House, and their other programs, or for pastoral care, email the minister at; call (219) 362-1959; or visit Sunday worship begins at 10:00 a.m. Newcomers are always welcome.