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Hammond Police to Partner with Businesses and Residents in Blue Net

Hammond Police to Partner with Businesses and Residents in Blue Net

Hammond Mayor Thomas M. McDermott, Jr. and Police Chief William Short are pleased to announce a new partnership between Hammond Police, local businesses and residents related to enhancements being made to Hammond’s successful Blue Net.

When crimes occur in retail or commercial areas, retrieving video is time consuming and labor intensive.  With this program, businesses are encouraged to register a new or existing security camera system with the Hammond Police thereby contributing to Hammond’s safety and security.  The system will allow police to respond more quickly to crimes in progress and allow them easier access to recordings in the event of an investigation.

Business owners will remain in control of their security systems, but registering your cameras as a Blue Net Partner will allow a streamlined process for the police to review the footage and allow more efficient access. Residents can also register their cameras and become a Blue Net Partner so that the police can use the video in the case of an incident in their neighborhood.

For businesses/residents connecting to Blue Net, visit cityprotect.com to register your cameras on the Blue Net Camera Share Program.  Once you register, your camera will be listed as an available resource if an incident occurs in your part of the city.  No one can access video without your permission. If Hammond Police believe video from your camera can assist in an investigation, they will contact you directly.

“I’m excited about the enhancements to Hammond’s Blue Net,” stated Mayor McDermott.  “It is a great tool in keeping Hammond safe.  I have registered my property and am excited to be a participant in the program.”

Blue Net originally began as a License Plate Reader (LPR) initiative.  It was then expanded to video in parks, at intersections, and high traffic areas around the City.  The technology was increased to include direct access to city buildings, parks, and fire stations so adding the capability to accept video from private businesses and residents was the logical next step.

“Blue Net will make Hammond safer by allowing the police department to have a real-time view in the event of an emergency and also by having faster and easier access to recordings during an investigation,” stated Police Chief William Short.  Other cities that have implemented this technology have reported reductions in violent crime as well as more successful investigation and prosecution outcomes in the areas where the technology is installed.”

Anyone signing up for this program will receive a window tag or placard that they can place on their building or in their window.

For more information visit hammondpolice.com/bluenet.