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Hammond Mayor announces protective measures

Hammond Mayor Thomas M. McDermott, Jr. announced that protective measures are being taken in the south Robertsdale area waterways to protect our natural resources and quality of life in our community.

Wolf Lake

Residents using the recreation facilities at Wolf Lake Memorial Park may have noticed that a protective water boom has been placed near the stormwater outfall at the Hammond Sanitary District Stormwater Pump Station located near the 2400 Block of Calumet Avenue.  An oily substance was observed at that pump station that appears to have come from an illicit discharge into a storm sewer. The pump station was cleaned out using vacuum trucks and oil absorbent booms were placed in the lake as a protective measure.  The source of the oily substance is being investigated by the Hammond Sanitary District personnel. The Hammond Sanitary District is seeking the public’s help on locating the source of this illegal dumping. A $10,000.00 Reward is being offered for information leading to arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the illicit discharge.

Please contact the Sanitary District of Hammond --Jeff Massey, Superintendent of Wastewater Treatment 219-853-6413 ext. 524

George Lake – North Basin Discharge Discovered

The city of Hammond and the Hammond Port Authority were notified on Monday April 5, 2021 that a resident of Hammond had observed a greyish milky discharge in the North Basin of George Lake on Saturday April 3, 2021.  The Hammond Port Authority and the Hammond Sanitary District responded to the discharge location which was in the far southeast corner of the North Basin of George Lake.  The discharge appeared to be associated with a buried metal pipe.  The origin of the pipe is being investigated.  Upon investigation it was determined the greyish material, and other similar materials had impacted a significant area on the East shore of the North basin of George Lake.  The North basin of George Lake is part of the development of the Lost Marsh Environmental and Recreation Area and is protected by a Conservation Easement that is governed by the city of Hammond, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM).  The Hammond Port Authority is responsible for overseeing the Lost Marsh Environmental and Recreation Area and has placed collection booms at the discharge pipes in order to collect and prevent any additional grey materials from entering the waters, wetlands, and uplands of the North Basin.

The city of Hammond and Hammond Port Authority have reached out to both the IDNR and IDEM to request: their investigative support in identifying the source responsible for the discharge, their assistance in determining the extent of the greyish material(s) impact on the North Basin’s waters, wetlands and uplands, and assistance in crafting a Remedial Plan to correct the adverse environmental impacts created by the discharge.

The efforts listed above are designed to protect Hammond’s natural resources and see that the quality of life in our community is not only protected but enhanced.

For further information:

Hammond Department of Environmental Management – Ronald L. Novak, Director 219-853-6306