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Hailmann Elementary School Wins 2017 Get Active, Get Fit School Challenge!

Hailmann Elementary School Wins 2017 Get Active, Get Fit School Challenge!

The Healthcare Foundation of La Porte (HFL) hosted a Get Active, Get Fit! School Challenge from April 19th-May 19th for La Porte Elementary Schools. Hailmann Elementary School was the winner, and Principal Mrs. Denise Sanders selected a set of five 19” Kore Wobble Seats for her school! These seats will be used to help students with sensory issues focus in the classroom.

The School Challenge was created to promote healthy and active behaviors in students and increase the amount of time students spend being active at home and school. The principal of the winning school could select an item valued up to $500 from Moving Minds for their school. The item had to be movement related and appropriate for use by several children.

“We encourage our students to stay fit and exercise frequently,” stated Mrs. Sanders. “As an example, one of the reasons we established our walking trail Meyer's Mile is our strong belief that young people and members of our community need a place to exercise and commune with nature and each other. Mrs. Meyers, our late friend and colleague, believed in ‘Finishing Strong’ in all endeavors. We have made that a part of our mission at Hailmann for students, staff and our community. ‘Finish Strong’ everyone!”

For the challenge, each student received an activity tracker to record when they participated in 30 minutes or more of combined physical activity. After 14 activities were recorded, their tracker was submitted as one entry. These activities could have been at home or school, as teachers were encouraged to plan lessons that gave students the opportunity to be active in the classroom. HFL counted the submitted trackers, and Hailmann had the highest percentage of participation based on enrollment numbers, winning with a 39% participation rate!

Thank you to all schools who participated, listed based on level of participation: Hailmann, Kingsford Heights, Kingsbury, Crichfield, Lincoln, Indian Trail and Riley!

“With ISTEP over and summer approaching, students start to get antsy so the school challenge was an opportunity to put that energy to use in a fun and healthy way,” said Maria Fruth, President & CEO of HFL. “We hope to do more school challenges through the Get Active program in the future to promote healthy lifestyles for children!”

Get Active, Get Fit! is a year-long program with prizes awarded to participants each quarter. Children can keep submitting activity logs over the summer for one of the next drawings. Learn more about the program at www.hflaporte.org/get-active or create an account to make it easier to log and submit activities at www.getactivelaporte.org. The next award will be presented at the Downtown La Porte Family Movie Night on July 7, and any child who has submitted an activity tracker by June 30 will be eligible to win!

Summer is the perfect opportunity to log the time your kids spend being active so that they can be entered in a drawing to win their own prize (bike, scooter, fitness tracker, etc)! Our easy to use mobile app will help you keep track of these activities when you're on the go!