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Growth in La Porte: Investing in the Community

Growth in La Porte: Investing in the Community

The average person living in La Porte has had the opportunity to watch the city change before their eyes, but it may not be apparent how the door to opportunity is opened or who unlocked it in the first place. GreatNews.Life is shining a light on some of the people behind the scenes in this first part of the three-part series featuring La Porte Economic Advancement Partnership (LEAP) board members.

Since the creation of LEAP following the alliance of the Greater La Porte Chamber of Commerce and the Greater La Porte Economic Development Corporation in 2019, the City of La Porte has experienced explosive growth thanks to the continued investment of LEAP board members, and they’re just as excited as the community to see the returns.

“It has increased a sense of pride and potential for many of us in the community,” said Trudy Menke, President of Reframing Leadership.

Many of LEAP’s investments have focused on bringing new business and people into the city. This involves educational programs for new businesses, housing developments for new residents, initiatives to increase retail and entertainment opportunities to the city, and drives to increase employment for the residents already living in La Porte.

“The networking and educational events that LEAP provides creates opportunities for business leaders to meet and exchange ideas and work together,” said Dawn Zigler, senior account manager at Meridian Title Corporation.

“Getting new employers to the community helps grow the local economy,” added CEO of Qubit Networks Ryan Seaburg. “Most new jobs coming to La Porte have LEAP's finger prints on them.”

If you’re looking for a concrete example of the development LEAP is helping to advance, Todd Hudson, president of Boss Industries, and several other board members point to the NewPorte Landing development. The 17-acre development will quickly become a new hub for the city once the new retail and commercial spaces are ready for the businesses LEAP is recruiting.

“NewPorte Landing used to be an ugly, half-fallen-down factory building, and it is now being developed into a place for many businesses to come to La Porte,” said Brittany Smith, director of marketing and communications with CompressAir. “Seeing the updates to the different communities within our City has been a great example of growth.”

“We’ve attracted business and industry and helped revitalize downtown,” said Mark Francesconi, superintendent of La Porte Community School Corporation.

Beyond new growth, LEAP has also helped to foster and maintain the businesses already established in La Porte. Where businesses know they’ll be taken care of, they flock and flourish.

“LEAP has helped to strengthen downtown businesses that are here already which helps to attract and bring in new businesses,” said Zigler, a sentiment echoed by City of La Porte Attorney Nicholas Otis.

“Erik Nelson’s contribution to workforce development by identifying high school seniors that will not go to college or university and prepping them to work, teaching valuable hard skills like welding, so they can earn a livable wage and fill needed open positions in our community has been great,” added Mary Wellnitz, president & CEO of Figment Group.

The board members of LEAP know that the work they are doing will last long after their tenure. It’s for the benefit of the city and its residents that they continue to strive for bigger and better things in La Porte.

“Investing in La Porte is an investment in helping businesses and families thrive. These investments have delivered major impact toward resilient, sustainable, and inclusive growth for all sectors including infrastructure, housing, public safety, quality of life, and commercial and industrial development,” said Wellnitz.

This is a LEAP and LaPorteCounty.Life mission and member spotlight. Join us in Part Two as we discover why LEAP board members continue to invest their time in the organization and Part Three to learn where they think the City of La Porte is heading next.