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Getting Muddy for Center for Hospice Care

Getting Muddy for Center for Hospice Care

The Sunday of Memorial Day weekend the South Bend Sod Busters hosted their annual mud bog. For years a portion of the proceeds from this event have benefitted Center for Hospice Care. One of the first times Red Fisher attended the event as the events manager for Hospice Foundation, he told the organizers, "When you go over $100,000 total for this event, I will go down the bog in a white tuxedo!" A couple of years ago, they surpassed that mark – and this year Red kept his word. Thanks to our friends at Louie's Tux Shop, Red got into one of the vehicles and went down the bog – not once, but twice – while wearing a stylish white tux!

Along with Red going down the bog, the South Bend Sod Busters accepted donations for others to jump into the mud as well. Two children even called their grandparents to bring them money so they could join in the fun. Thank you to the South Bend Sod Busters for their continued support of our organization! We truly appreciate all that you have done through the years.