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Franciscan St. Margaret Health Celebrates Pastoral Care Week

Franciscan-St-Margaret-Health-Celebrates-Pastoral-Care-WeekMost Rev. Donald J. Hying, bishop of the Gary Catholic Diocese, was keynote speaker at a Franciscan St. Margaret Health - Hammond dinner program for clergy and spiritual care workers from area churches and hospitals Oct. 27. The dinner was in conjunction with the celebration of Pastoral Care Week (Oct. 25-31). Pastoral Care Week dates back to the 1980s, when the National Association of Catholic Chaplains adopted a resolution setting aside a week in which to celebrate and honor all those who participate in the pastoral/spiritual care ministries.

This year’s theme was “Spiritual Care Together,” which emphasizes that true spiritual care requires the cooperation of not only hospital based ministers, but of those working in the churches, synagogues, mosques and other organizations that provide for a person’s spiritual needs. Hying’s topic was, “Who is responsible for the patient’s spiritual care?” He emphasized that in health care facilities, spiritual care is the responsibility of all. The evening began with Michael Stenger, left, hospital president and CEO, welcoming the 50-plus guests and offering introductory comments. Also shown is the Rev. Thomas Mischler, of Holy Spirit Church.