Home»Community»Education»Elston Show Choir Wows National Judges’ Convention

Elston Show Choir Wows National Judges’ Convention

Show-Choir-01The Elston Middle School Show Choir held its final performance at the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago on Monday, July 14, entertaining the National Council of Family and Juvenile Court Judges.

Twenty-five members of the school's show choir performed for an international audience of 400 justices representing all 50 U.S. states, Guam, Germany, and tribal council judges.

"It was a beautiful, elegant, historical hotel," said Elston Show Choir director Stephanie Sobecki, who will lead Barker Middle School's chorus this fall. "We were treated royally by the hotel and convention staff. We were welcomed, escorted to our area, given a full rehearsal in the Grand Ballroom with a sound technician. The kids performed at their best, received a standing ovation, and were asked to perform an encore!"

Many judges, including La Porte County Judge Nancy Gettinger, congratulated and thanked the group after the show and requested to have their pictures taken with the group. (La Porte Circuit Judge Tom Alevizos had facilitated the group's appearance at the National Council convention.) "The table from Indiana took immediate ownership of our little entourage, and beamed like proud parents in the nationwide audience," said Sobecki. "The judges said in their introduction of us that they spend most of their time with troubled youth, and they were so impressed with seeing such a diverse group of kids in such a positive situation. It was an amazing experience for all involved!"