Home»Other»Electronics Recycling Times Changing in La Porte in 2017

Electronics Recycling Times Changing in La Porte in 2017

Electronics-Recycling-Times-Changing-in-La-Porte-in-2017Electronics recycling at the La Porte County Solid Waste District’s office will only be available during office hours beginning January 30, the District announced.

“Due to theft of items and illegal dumping, it is crucial to the continuation of our recycling program that we control the flow of electronic items into the trailer,” said District Executive Director Clay Turner.

Operating hours will be from 8 AM to 4 PM Monday through Friday for the electronics recycling trailer, which sits between the District’s office at 2857 W. State Road 2 and the La Porte County Small Animal Shelter. Residents will still be able to bring a wide array of electronic items for recycling, including TVs, computers, printers, stereos, CDs and DVDs, during those hours. The trailer will be locked outside of business hours, as well as on weekends and holidays.

“This seems to be the only way to continue to provide an excellent electronics recycling program for residents at no charge,” Turner said.

There will be special collection events available for residents who are not able to bring their electronics to the trailer during those times, Turner emphasized. The District will still hold two special 5-in-1 collection events every year at the La Porte County Fairgrounds where electronics will be accepted. Those dates for 2017 will be May 20 and Sept. 16. In addition, the District is also willing to accommodate residents by scheduling special drop-off times outside of normal operating hours.

“All they would have to do is call us and we will set a date, maybe once a week or every other week, when electronics can be brought in later than normal,” Turner said.

Although the District does not want to resort to punitive measures, dumping of electronics or other items not allowed in the program outside collection hours will be reported to law enforcement.

“The success of this program depends on our ability to provide readily available and secure recycling,” Turner said. “We hope this will be able to serve everyone’s needs.”

There will be no changes to electronics recycling in Michigan City. The trailer at 1027 Hitchcock Road will continue to be available for public use from 7 AM to 3 PM Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

Please contact the District at (219) 326-0014 with any questions or concerns.