Home»Health»Specialty»Echo Denny is Franciscan St. Anthony Health Ambassador of the Month for February

Echo Denny is Franciscan St. Anthony Health Ambassador of the Month for February

Echo-Denny-CroppedEcho Denny, a registered nurse in the obstetrics department, who formerly served in the pediatrics unit, has been selected the February Ambassador of the Month at Franciscan St. Anthony Health-Michigan City.

The award, which has been ongoing since 1988, is presented by the hospital’s Social and Recognition Committee and recognizes employees who exhibit the mission and values of Franciscan Alliance – compassion for those in need, respect for life and the dignity of mankind, wellness and prevention of illness, restoration to health and acceptance of death as the final step toward wholeness. Recipients also have demonstrated courtesy, the proper attitude and enthusiasm for the work.

Denny, a 10-year employee, was nominated by the husband of a woman who gave birth in the hospital, who called Denny “exceptional and awesome.”

Lori Williams, clinical manager of pediatrics and obstetrics, added, “Echo is a team player. She helps in all areas of OB. She is calm and patient. Echo listens to her patients’ concerns and follows through with meeting their needs. She is an asset to our OB team.”

When presented with the honor by the committee, Denny said she was shocked and excited. “I really enjoy working on OB. The staff is great and it is a very positive environment.”

She and husband, Jason, reside in Westville. They have two children.

In recognition of her honor, Denny, as are all Ambassador recipients, was honored with a special billboard display for the month, a privileged parking spot, an Ambassador badge holder, a photo on the Ambassador of the Month wall that displays the previous 12 months’ winners, $150 cash and an invitation to the annual Service Awards and Recognition Banquet that takes place in May.