MCHS Student Council spearheads food collection effort
The Michigan City High School Student Council is once again coordinating a district-wide “drive through” food drive. Students and staff throughout Michigan City Area Schools are collecting food, and the community is invited to participate.
Donations of non-perishable food items will be collected at Ames Field on Saturday, December 10 from 9 am to noon, and all items collected will benefit The Salvation Army of Michigan City food pantry.
This food drive has been a tradition for MCAS, held right before the holidays every year, to benefit those in need. Last year this drive generated more than 4 tons of canned goods and other non-perishable items.
“Our community really steps up and helps take care of each other - and we want to be part of giving back and making a difference,” said MCHS Student Council President Kayla Campbell. “This is why we are continuing the tradition of hosting this food drive, at a time when people need it most.”
The December 10th food collection will take place in a drive-through format, in the parking lot of Ames Field, 2501 Franklin Street. Students and staff volunteers will be on hand to collect items from those driving through. Monetary donations for The Salvation Army also will be accepted at the event.
As in the past, this collection drive will have an element of competition, as well. All MCAS schools will be competing to claim a traveling trophy to display over the next year to show for their efforts. Food will be weighed and credited to the donor’s Michigan City school of choice. The school collecting the most food (based on weight, adjusted for school size) will get the coveted trophy.
In conjunction with this food drive, the MCHS National Honor Society is collecting new (or nearly new) books for children and teens through Operation Bookworm. The community is invited to donate books by dropping them off at any MCAS school building through December 9.
Books collected will be donated to The Salvation Army for distribution during the holidays.