This holiday season has been very special for business owners in downtown La Porte, especially a select few that were recently voted as the top winners in the Downtown Holiday Window Competition. The winners were: 1st Place: Rocco’s Classic Gallery, 2nd Place: Engstrom’s Jewelers, 3rd Place: Temple News Agency and Best Holiday Spirit Award: A.J. Schmitt Jewelers.
From lights galore at Temple, snow villages at Engstrom’s and A.J. Schmitt’s and the Christmas tree 50’s band set up at Rocco’s, these businesses certainly went all out to contribute to the holiday spirit of downtown. “Everyone’s efforts really show,” said Tiffany Bley, Downtown Director for La Porte. “I was so impressed with the creativity of the over 20 businesses that participated, and I know La Porte was as well considering there were over 200 votes come in!”
Winners were voted via the Downtown’s Facebook page and through hard copy voting forms at local businesses and the Greater La Porte Chamber of Commerce. The local businesses showcased an array of themes, including a Holiday Surprise of a soldier coming home for Christmas in the Uptown Shoppes window on State Street.
For more information on downtown events and happenings, contact Tiffany Bley at (219) 362-3178 or at, or like the Downtown La Porte Facebook page at
Photos: Sarah Noakes of Rocco’s in front of their 1st Place winning window; Michael Sitar, Owner of Temple News Agency pictured with his 3rd Place Award; Maggie Brown, Pamela Willis, Mary Winter (Window Designer) and Dave Schmitt pictured in front of AJ Schmitt Jewelers.