Home»Health»Education»Directory Lists More than 4,400 Funding Opportunities in Biomedical, Health-Care Sectors

Directory Lists More than 4,400 Funding Opportunities in Biomedical, Health-Care Sectors

biomedical-directoryHealth-care and biomedical professionals seeking funding for education, research, faculty development, facility and organizational support, along with conferences, will find state, national and international funding sources in the newest edition of a grant directory with more than 4,400 records.

Schoolhouse Partners LLC has published the 23rd edition of Directory of Biomedical and Health Care Grants, which is now available through Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble bookstores, EBSCO Information Services, Ingram Books and YBP Library Services. Schoolhouse Partners is based in the Purdue Research Park of West Lafayette.

Louis S. Schafer, editorial director, said there are more than 350 subjects in the directory, including autism, cancer prevention, environmental health, gerontology, intervention programs, neuroscience, obesity, patient care and education, social services, and wellness.

"The health-care and biomedical fields always seem to be expanding as researchers in university and industrial settings discover new factors that relate to quality of life, and services are created to educate and improve well-being," he said. "Some grants in Directory of Biomedical and Health Care Grants cover specific diseases and conditions, while others focus on counseling, education, planning, prevention and services."

Each record is listed in three indices: by geography, program type and subject. Records include grant title; description; requirements; award amount; application deadline; contact information, including phone, fax, email and Internet address; sponsor name and address; and samples of awarded grants.

All records in Directory of Biomedical and Health Care Grants can be found online at GrantSelect, a subscription-based database that includes information from each directory published by Schoolhouse Partners.