Home»Other»Press Releases»Dermody: American RENOLIT donates trees to City in honor of Earth Day

Dermody: American RENOLIT donates trees to City in honor of Earth Day

Dermody: American RENOLIT donates trees to City in honor of Earth Day

La PORTE, IN (Apr. 22, 2022) – Mayor Tom Dermody (far right) plants a tree with representatives from American RENOLIT on Friday, April 22, 2022, in La Porte. The manufacturing corporation donated three trees to be planted throughout the City of La Porte in honor of Earth Day.

Pictured from left: City of La Porte Park Superintendent Mark Schreiber; American RENOLIT Environmental Compliance Specialist Tracy LeVay; RENOLIT Health, Safety and Environmental Manager Dr. Lukas Kromer; RENOLIT Human Resources Manager Melissa Gruber; RENOLIT Development and Quality Manager Jackie Hazzard-Reed; and Dermody.